Archive of ‘Recipes’ category

Green Juice for Breakfast (Recipe)

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Green juice isn’t so bad. My tummy used to turn at the idea of having various vegetables blitzed and blended into one glass, but over time I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve also begun enjoying it. My Mom is our Head Green Juice maker at home. Whenever she plans to make her own green juice, […] Read more…

Scrambled Eggs with Mayonnaise: More for me!

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Scrambled eggs with mayonnaise is a little indulgence I have. I usually like my eggs sunny side up, but there are times when I just have a craving for this little dish. My husband’s a big fan of scrambled eggs, so I surprised him with my ‘mayofied’ scrambled eggs. Doesn’t it look pretty? A little […] Read more…

Stir-fried Tofu Comfort Food

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Tofu, ginger, soy sauce, calamansi (lemon) and brown rice. I was craving for the comfort only the combination of those ingredients could give, and so this dish did soothe my soul. Stir-Fried Tofu Comfort Food You can throw any vegetable you want into this dish and it’d work. For as long as the flavors of […] Read more…

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