Green Juice for Breakfast (Recipe)


Green juice isn’t so bad. My tummy used to turn at the idea of having various vegetables blitzed and blended into one glass, but over time I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve also begun enjoying it. My Mom is our Head Green Juice maker at home. Whenever she plans to make her own green juice, I tag along and have an extra glass of green juice made for me too. (Thanks Mama!) Here’s one of the green juice blends that we’ve tried. I can say that this is yummy!

All you have to do is juice all the following ingredients you see in the pictures below.

Green Juice ingredient: Celery

You’ve got a couple of celery stalks and a bunch of romaine lettuce. We use organic vegetables as much as we can. Make sure to wash all these ingredients thoroughly before throwing them into the juicer.

Green Juice ingredient: Cucumber

This is a sliced up cucumber. Make it two cucumbers if you want. You’ll notice that the proportions I have here aren’t quite exact. You can do a 1:1 portion for all. I like how refreshing cucumber tastes so I don’t mind if I have a little bit more cucumber in my juice than 1:1.

Green Juice ingredient: Lemon, Ginger, Cabbage

Here we’ve got a bunch of cabbage, one sliced lemon, about two thumbs of ginger. Limit a thumb of ginger to one person — its taste is really strong in a green juice! If you don’t like the spice of ginger, you can cut it down to half a thumb.

Green Juice ingredient: Lettuce

More romaine lettuce. For this green juice, the major green veggie was this romaine lettuce which was surprisingly good when juiced. I was wondering if I would be tasting ‘salad’ when I drank my green juice, but nope! Romaine’s juice taste is quite mild.

So you’re going to juice all these healthy ingredients. Voila! Instant yumminess. To level up the yum factor, my Mom and I like putting apple pulp in our green juice.

Green Juice with Apple Fiber

This is optional but recommended. 😉 Before my Mom makes green juice, she juices some apples for Timmy. Timmy doesn’t like the pulp, so he gets the fresh apple juice and the pulp goes to us green juice drinkers.

Green Juice

Voila! Green juice deliciousness. It’s advisable to drink this for breakfast everyday before you eat your meals. Wait 20 minutes after drinking before you get started on solid meals. That way your body gets to absorb the green juice’s nutrients better. (At least that’s what I’ve been told! No complaints here!)

What vegetables do you like putting in to your green juice? Come share your green juice recipes!

3 Comments on Green Juice for Breakfast (Recipe)

  1. shahadat
    January 3, 2020 at 8:52 pm (5 years ago)

    green juice is mainly make by vegetable.VITAMIN C is main for this type of drinks.

  2. Tom O. Blomquist
    February 2, 2023 at 12:21 am (1 year ago)

    Thank you for your green juice recipe. I will try this juice on my excellent health. Do you have any healthy fruit juice recipes?

  3. mahir
    July 9, 2024 at 6:29 pm (3 weeks ago)

    Your green juice recipe is very helpful to me. It is really good for our health. You may use the NutriBullet NB9-1301K Pro to make green juice.


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