Archive of ‘Blog Inspiration’ category

Still here

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Busy quiet time

Just a post to say that I’m still here. When there’s a long pause in blogging, it’s usually because of a blogging burnout or having no time to blog. It’s been a combination of both for me. It’s a good thing, really, but I do miss writing for the love of it.  Read more…

Make It Blissful with Luminisce

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Make it blissful. A blissful sisterhood is a group of women who inspire and encourage one another, who share the love for pursuing joy and their passions. Two weeks ago, my sisters in bliss and I met up for an intimate gathering. It was great seeing my fellow Make It Blissful contributors again. As soon as one woman entered the restaurant, hugs were shared, kisses exchanged. There was so much love that afternoon. Read more…

8 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

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writer's block

There it is again — the brick wall we can’t knock down. Mental block happens when we’re exhausted, when we’re at a dead end, when we’re stuck. Don’t panic! A simple refresher on overcoming writer’s block is all that’s needed.

My work involves a lot of writing. The following tips work great for me. Here are eight ideas to help you overcome writer’s block. Hope this helps get your creative juices flowing too! Read more…

New York Dreaming: My dream Airbnb Listing

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NEW YORK has always fascinated me. It’s a dream destination of mine. Hollywood has played a big part in shaping my perception of the city. Most of my favorite TV shows are set in New York – Felicity. How I Met Your Mother. Friends. The Mindy Project. When my friends talk about their NYC trips, I grab some chips and just let them do the talking while I munch dreamily on my food. I’ve written about my desire to experience autumn in new york and my infatuation with the city. So when I learned about this Nuffnang and AirBNB contest, I just had to join it! The mechanics were simple: Choose a listing on Airbnb that you’d want to stay in, and share why you want to stay there. There was no question about the Airbnb listings I’d want to explore – they’d all be set in New York! Read more…

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