Archive of ‘Reflections’ category

Make It Blissful with Luminisce

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Make it blissful. A blissful sisterhood is a group of women who inspire and encourage one another, who share the love for pursuing joy and their passions. Two weeks ago, my sisters in bliss and I met up for an intimate gathering. It was great seeing my fellow Make It Blissful contributors again. As soon as one woman entered the restaurant, hugs were shared, kisses exchanged. There was so much love that afternoon. Read more…

Get A Move On this 2015

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Get a Move On!

Get a move on! My planner’s kinda bossy. There’s this lady with her finger pointing outward, as if she’s telling me to quit doodling on my planner and start making things happen. “Chill, lady!,” I want to tell her. But I bought the planner anyway, inspired by her call to action.  Read more…

Morning Quiet

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Morning Quiet with my Son

There is a lull in the day that I particularly enjoy. It’s not the pause that comes from a busy day. It’s not the afternoon slowdown as we move on to siesta. It’s the quiet that comes upon waking up, the happy silence shared between father, mother and son, as they relish the tangle of blankets and pillows around them. It’s the morning quiet. Read more…

Waiting for My Pope

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Growing up Catholic liberated and stifled me at the same time. I felt guilty, feeling like I was being berated by the whispers of nunsfrom the all-girls Catholic school I attended for 12 years. My mother, a devout Catholic, also kept asking me why I didn’t go to Mass anymore. How could I explain to her that I felt more distant when I was in the midst of ceremony? Then Pope Francis came along. Read more…

A Stronger YOU in 2015

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The last part of this year, I reflected on this question: What’s the more loving thing to do? It was my emotional compass the past months and has greatly helped me make better decisions. It proves that when you come from a place of love, good things do come.

So what’s my compass going to be in 2015? It is this: “Will it make me stronger?”
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