
Morning Writing

Via coffee-mood.livejournal.com

My hope for this blog is for it to be a cove for real women whether they’re singles, wives or mothers. We are sisters, all connected. This is a cove for genuine conversations, imperfect and sometimes stressed out, but always, as much as we can, coming from a place of love and inspiration. This blog features original content on marriage, motherhood and beyond — good eats, good reads, and other little things that are big on joy. (I’m so happy you dropped by!)

Hi! I’m Toni Tiu. I started Wifely Steps in 2003 as a way to help fellow newlyweds adjust to married life. Life threw in a couple of surprises, and I began blogging about parenting in 2009! This blog is a big part of my life. It makes me happy that I can do what I love (writing!) and connect with you at the same time. Writing is my first love. No worries, my husband knows that!

I am a lifestyle writer, strategic planner and training director based in Manila. When not at my office desk or a coffee shop, I’m most likely in the supermarket, cart filled with my husband’s and son’s favorites, plus the ingredients of a dish I’m craving for.

If you enjoyed your visit here, you can sign up for the newsletter, “like” the Wifely Steps Facebook page, or drop me a line on my Connect page.

Thanks for joining me here!


24 Comments on About

  1. A Gracious Life
    February 19, 2015 at 5:34 am (9 years ago)

    Such a lovely home here Toni! Thank you for sharing your journey which in turn inspires much of my days as a mom, wife and daughter. God bless you always.
    A Gracious Life´s last blog post ..Workin’ Wednesdays | On Workspaces

    • Toni
      February 19, 2015 at 10:47 am (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for the kind words, and for being such a regular visitor here. Much love!


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