Milo Rice: A childhood snack revisited


Milo Rice reminds me of childhood. It was an afternoon snack (merienda) we enjoyed as kids. Sometimes we would have it for breakfast. Some of my friends find it gross but to our family, this is completely normal! In fact, it’s comfort food.

Milo Rice
Chocolate Powder on Rice: Makes me feel like a kid!

How to Make Milo Rice

Making Milo rice is ridiculously easy! :) All you need is a few spoonfuls of Milo, a plate of rice, and a spoon. Yummy!

Milo Rice Breakfast
All you need. Plus a spoon.

Yep, I used up the whole sachet but used more rice than what’s pictured above. Comfort food to the max. When my friends learn about this comfort dish, they go “Yuck!” And I go, “Walang basagan ng trip!” (Loose translation: “To each his own!”)

How to make Milo Rice
It’s all uphill from here.

Give it your all! Sprinkle, pour, dust, speckle, throw some Milo over your rice. You can do it! Don’t be shy.

How to make Milo Rice
Cannot wait to dig into this.

I love it when the powder becomes soft, melts and begins blending into the rice. By this time you’ll smell the tempting signature aroma of Milo. Mmm!

Milo powder also tastes great when you use it as bread filling. Yum! I love pouring it on sliced bread or in pan de sal, especially when the bread is still warm. Nothing says merienda time better than a Milo pandesal. But wait! Back to Milo rice.

How to make Milo Rice
Just like that, I’m a kid again!

I’ve tried mixing other chocolate powder brands with rice, bu only Milo captures the taste I crave. For certain it’s because of how it takes me down memory lane. This dish always makes me feel like I’m 6 years old.

When I need a dose of comfort, this is one of my go-to snacks. It’s a quick dish to prepare and an even quicker dish to finish off. A second serving is always encouraged. Milo rice is comfort food at its chocolatiest.

20 Comments on Milo Rice: A childhood snack revisited

  1. Maxine
    August 9, 2013 at 11:23 am (11 years ago)

    Ahhh! Na-miss ko ‘to! Yummmyyyyyy! :p

    • Toni
      August 9, 2013 at 4:03 pm (11 years ago)

      Sarap diba? 😀 Introduce mo kay Fritz if he doesn’t know about this snack :)

  2. Rina Zamora
    August 9, 2013 at 1:11 pm (11 years ago)

    Oh my i never tried this! I would just make papak the powder hahaha! I miss milo! Will try this nga hehe :-)

    • Toni
      August 9, 2013 at 4:03 pm (11 years ago)

      Yey! Tell me if you like it! 😉

  3. kayni
    August 10, 2013 at 3:55 am (11 years ago)

    Oh I love this! This is a childhood snack for me too…kung minsan lalagyan ko pa yan ng powdered milk – Nido.

    • Toni
      August 10, 2013 at 11:52 pm (11 years ago)

      Hindi ko na na-try yun may NIDO! Yun ang hindi ko kaya papakin. Wasn’t too fond of milk in any shape or form!

  4. Maggie
    August 10, 2013 at 9:13 pm (11 years ago)

    Hahaha I used to do this pero with Ovaltine naman. It’s a great afterschool snack :p

    • Toni
      August 10, 2013 at 11:49 pm (11 years ago)

      I tried it with Ovaltine too! But I guess since I was used to MILO, I preferred Milo 😀

  5. Rye
    August 11, 2013 at 3:30 am (11 years ago)

    Yummy! I used to have this din before (as well as using Milo as bread filling!).

    I’d have mine with powdered milk though :)

    • Toni
      August 11, 2013 at 3:35 am (11 years ago)

      Woohoo! 2 for 2! Usually I’d get an “I eat Milo w/ rice but not w/ bread” or vice versa. Not both. You’re one of the very few I know who does that. Not counting my family of course.

      Ah, powdered milk. I didn’t try it with that. Wasn’t too fond of milk. :/

      It’s so late and you’re still awake! (Like me.) Haha.

      • Rye
        August 11, 2013 at 11:40 am (11 years ago)

        The adrenaline from the FIBA game was still rushing kasi last night. Haha.

  6. Kharla
    February 5, 2021 at 11:25 pm (3 years ago)

    YUm! I am currently a college student who is bombarded with tasks! Geez I craved rice with milo so I had a little since pa midnight na hehehehe <3 then nag browse ako wondering if ako lang mahilig neto! hahahahaha! stressed na po eh. Indeed milo with rice is our fav comfort food! and cute pa dahil same po tayo ng corelle plates HAHAHAH <3 love it!


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