Holiday Movie Night



Holiday movie night is ON at our home!!! Every year, I try to watch Love Actually, the old cartoon of Frosty the Snowman, the classic claymation film of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and my all-time Christmas fave, A Charlie Brown Christmas. I’ve introduced my 6-year-old to the latter 3 films, and I plan to let him watch another Christmas movie for holiday movie night: ELF!

Movie nights are my favorite night of the week. My husband and I try to have this weekly, to start a family tradition. Two weeks ago, we watched Zoolander. I was laughing my head off but my little one had a facial expression that was more confused than amused. Last week we watched A Night at the Museum. Now THAT was a hit with my boy.

Whatever movie we watch, we always make sure we are in cozy movie night mode! The best part about movie nights is getting to snuggle up in bed with my family. Holiday movie night will be the same! The bedroom lights will be dimmed. Our pillows will surround us, making us feel like we’re in a nest. We’ll all share one blanket to keep us warm and toasty. We’d be in our favorite PJs. Casper, a sleep company that is committed to the perfect movie spot with the unique design of their mattresses, created this personalized holiday movie night essentials checklist, which includes my holiday movie of choice for this week!

Holiday Movie Night

What are your essentials for a holiday movie night? What holiday movies do you watch every year? Come share!!! :)

2 Comments on Holiday Movie Night

    April 1, 2019 at 6:06 pm (5 years ago)

    I agree, it isn’t rather that what you watch a movie about plays here, but it’s what mood. I also like to have movie nights with my family. You should always reduce the time for your family and relatives, especially on holidays.

  2. Oliver Pearson
    May 7, 2024 at 12:35 am (3 months ago)

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