Instagram Husband: Hilarious and Kinda True


Instagram Husband is one of the funniest videos trending. It features the comedic (and true!) gripes and woes of husbands who silently support their partners’ desires to get the perfect Instagram shot, even if it means holding the camera till their arms hurt, removing apps off their phone to make room for more photos, or waiting for a long time till the perfect food shot is taken.

A screenshot from the satire "The Instagram Husband".

A screenshot from the satire “Instagram Husband”.

It’s hilarious and yep, I could relate to it. I don’t do OOTD shots, but I’ve subjected my husband to waiting for a number of minutes because I hadn’t taken a perfect pic of our freshly served food yet. He was also behind the camera for my Humabi bag pictures — at least the ones where I was in the shot.

Instagram Husband is a comedy sketch by The Mystery Hour. Some of the funny quotes I love:

“My name is Jeff. I’m an Instagram husband. Behind every cute girl on Instagram is a guy like me. And a brick wall.”

“We used to eat our food. Now we just take pictures of it.”

“It takes so long to get anywhere because we’re taking pictures of our feet.”

Watch the video of Instagram Husband here:

Instagram Husband also has a website. The main page features submissions from Instagram Husbands around the world. And if you’re not sure that you ARE an Instagram Husband, check out their list of symptoms to help you out! One question goes “Have you stood on more railroad tracks since meeting your Instagram Wife than in the previous years of your life combined?” 😀

There’s also a guide for Instagram Husbands on “How To Approach Your Wife”. It’s all about confronting your wife in a careful way. One of the pointers that made me giggle was: ‘Speak in words she will understand, “Honey, I feel like I’m living my life in Willow, and I want it to be Lo-Fi.” You don’t have to know what that means, she will.’

Or simply go on Instagram and search “#instagramhusband” — you’ll get tons of funny posts, plus some loving ones with wives giving their supportive husbands a loving shoutout.

I have to check in with my husband if he plans on submitting anything soon. 😛

2 Comments on Instagram Husband: Hilarious and Kinda True

  1. A Gracious Life
    December 15, 2015 at 8:57 pm (9 years ago)

    Hahaha! This was a perfect read on a rainy night. So lovingly true. ☺️

    • Toni
      December 16, 2015 at 10:03 am (9 years ago)

      Thank goodness for supportive husbands. 😀


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