Hallmark Christmas Gifts


Hallmark is a brand I immediately associate with greeting cards. Their tagline used to go “When you care enough to send your very best.” :) But more than just greeting cards, Hallmark is a gifting brand. During my Christmas preparations this year, I got to experience the joy of a Hallmark Christmas from gift-wrapping to the gift itself! Here’s what I’ve been loving so far about my Hallmark Christmas gifting.

Hallmark Christmas Gift Wrap Collection

This Hallmark Christmas gift wrap pad is a very organized way to get started on your giftwrapping!

This Hallmark Christmas gift wrap pad is a very organized way to get started on your giftwrapping!

My standby during my Christmas preparations has been this gift wrap pad. It comes with 12 13″x19″ sheets in 6 designs and 12 coordinated gift tags. I love how pretty the designs are! I also like how the flat sheets can be easily torn out because the binding is perforated. It has made my wrapping so much easier.

Hallmark Christmas Gifts

Ready for gifting!

I’m not too fond of giftwrapping, so this gift wrap collection from Hallmark just made my life so much easier! Now I just HAVE to check if they have designs that are non-holiday so I can also use the gift wrapping for other occasions.

Hallmark Brushstrokes Canvas Pouch

This canvas pouch has a very pretty design! It’s also quite roomy so you can choose to put your beauty essentials in it or use it as a catch-all for work-related things in your bag (pens, notepads, gadgets). What I love most about this product though is that every purchase of the pouch supports L.I.F.E. (Leukemia Indigents Fund Endowment).

Hallmark Canvas Pouch

Here’s a great gift idea for the women in your life!

Festive and feminine artwork make this pouch one of a kind.

Festive and feminine artwork make this pouch one of a kind.

Support a good cause by purchasing these canvas pouches.

Support a good cause by purchasing these canvas pouches.


Hallmark Desk Calendar

I need desk calendars in my workspace, and this Hallmark Desk Calendar ups the pretty quotient of my work area.

Each card on the desk calendar is two-sided. The month on one side, and artwork on the other side. They sure do add a dose of happiness to any space the calendar occupies!

Each card on the desk calendar is two-sided. The month on one side, and artwork on the other side. They sure do add a dose of happiness to any space the calendar occupies!

Here's how January looks!

Here’s how January looks!

All of the cards are supported by the wooden beam. So this is how the calendar looks like. And since December is the last card in the deck, when you flip over the whole calendar, you’ll see December artwork.

Simbang Gabi.

Simbang Gabi.

So that’s how it looks from behind. :) I love the cards! I specifically love the artwork from the following months:

HALL 008 HALL 009 HALL 010

I love the desk calendar so much I already put it on my office desk even if it’s not January yet. 😉

Ready for 2016!

Ready for 2016!

All purchases of this calendar also support L.I.F.E., a charitable organization that supports indigent kids with leukemia through sustained medical treatment. If you’d like to learn more about L.I.F.E, you can get in touch with them through the contact details in the picture below.

HALL 011

Hallmark Date Book

A gift idea for you and your friends who have lots on their social calendar is this Hallmark 2016 Datebook.

Perky little date book you can take with you anywhere you go!

Perky little datebook you can take with you anywhere you go!

Placing it side by side this magazine for scale. You can easily fit the datebook into your bag!

Placing it side by side this magazine for scale. You can easily fit the datebook into your bag!

One of the cute things in this datebook would be the quotes for each month. Some of my favorites include the following:

HALL 016 HALL 017 HALL 018

Hallmark has a whole range of gifting items! To learn more about them, check out Hallmark’s homes around the net:

Website – http://www.hallmarkphlippines.com

Facebook – /hallmarkphilippines

Instagram – @hallmark_ph

Pinterest – Hallmark Philippines

Twitter – @hallmarkph


1 Comment on Hallmark Christmas Gifts

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