Archive of ‘Marriage’ category

Love language in couples: What if it’s not the same?

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Love language

Love language: What do you do when your love language isn’t the same?

Each of us has our own way of expressing and receiving love. I’m beginning to see that in some of our arguments as husband and wife, it’s mostly rooted in not understanding each other’s love language. One of the ways I have learned to better understand my husband is realizing that our love language is not the same.
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Instagram Husband: Hilarious and Kinda True

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A screenshot from the satire "The Instagram Husband".

“We used to eat our food. Now we just take pictures of it.” — Instagram Husband

Instagram Husband is one of the funniest videos trending. It features the comedic (and true!) gripes and woes of husbands who silently support their partners’ desires to get the perfect Instagram shot, even if it means holding the camera till their arms hurt, removing apps off their phone to make room for more photos, or waiting for a long time till the perfect food shot is taken.

And yep, I could totally relate to it. (I haven’t asked my husband yet.) Read more…

What have you stopped doing together since you got married?

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Is there any activity you and your partner stopped doing together when you got married? The type of activity you loved to do during dates, but found yourself not doing enough of when you were husband and wife?

I was in for a surprise one day when my husband and I found ourselves with an hour to kill. I suggested we go to a coffee shop. He suggested something else. Read more…

Funny Marriage Quotes

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There are a lot of inspiring marriage quotes, but when you search for marriage quotes, you’ll stumble upon really funny ones too! Here are some of my favorite funny marriage quotes. 😀 Why not share a couple with your partner and share a couple of laughs too? Read more…

12 Lessons from 12 Years of Marriage

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"Marriages, like careers, need constant nurturing... the secret of having it all is loving it all." --  Joyce Brothers

My husband and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary last May 24. We both couldn’t believe it’s been 12 years! We’re still learning so much about how to manage a marriage that we feel like we’re both still new at this. Haha!

Our marriage has its crazy twists and turns, but it also has many moments of joyful serenity. We’ve learned a few things through the course of our journey. Here are some that have been making our marriage work. Read more…

Lessons from our First Home

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Not the stairs!

The first time I saw the apartment that was about to be our first home, I remember feeling tentative. My husband and I were about to get married, and we were looking for places we could settle into after the wedding. I recall looking through a variety of homes — townhomes, apartments, condos, and nothing seemed quite right. Read more…

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