Stir-fried Tofu Comfort Food


Tofu, ginger, soy sauce, calamansi (lemon) and brown rice. I was craving for the comfort only the combination of those ingredients could give, and so this dish did soothe my soul.

Stir-Fried Tofu Comfort Food
Stir-Fried Tofu Comfort Food

You can throw any vegetable you want into this dish and it’d work. For as long as the flavors of soy sauce, ginger, lemon and tofu linger together, this dish is spot-on comfort food.

What you need:
2 blocks of hard tofu, cubed
1 cup of soy sauce
1 cup of minced ginger
1 cup of calamansi/lemon juice
1 bunch of spinach leaves
1 bowl of mushrooms
1 onion, chopped
Cooked brown rice, optional

How to do it:

  • Marinate the tofu cubes in the mixture of soy sauce, ginger and calamansi juice for 30 minutes. Yep, that long. Go watch TV, read a book or take a power nap while this happens. When done, drain. Put the marinade aside.
  • In a hot pan, saute the onion. When wilted, slide in the tofu and fry till golden brown on all sides. Then slide in the mushrooms. Cook for a few minutes.
  • Pour the marinade into the pan. Let the flavors dance together. Cha-cha, salsa, pop and lock.
  • Slide in the spinach leaves and cook for 2 minutes more.
  • At this point you can slide in the cooked brown rice so this becomes a tofu-and-rice dish. Or you can eat this tofu and veggie dish on its own. The choice is yours. You win both ways.

Stir-Fried Tofu Comfort Food

Ah, comfort. I ate a bowl of this while watching a re-run of some 90s sitcom on TV. I can’t remember what the show was, but I do remember that I was one happy girl that evening.

Best eaten while you’re in your pajamas, socks and a big sweater.

Stir-fried tofu comfort food

2 Comments on Stir-fried Tofu Comfort Food

  1. lenzi malubay
    November 11, 2014 at 2:40 pm (10 years ago)

    iI love tofu!, il try it this coming weekend.thank you Ms. Toni for sharing this simple and healthy recipe.

    • Toni
      November 11, 2014 at 6:44 pm (10 years ago)

      You’re very welcome. Let me know how it goes, Lenzi! :)


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