Bookworm dates: Books, fries and reading out loud


Bookworm dates: My son and I love spending afternoons at the bookstore. One particular afternoon, he couldn’t wait to start reading his newly owned set of Eric Carle books. Our bookworm date went from bookstore to cafe. It was so much fun!

Bookworm dates: Books and fries with my little boy.
Bookworm dates must-haves: Good food, good reads.

Bookworm dates lovin’

As soon as we got settled in the cafe, he dug into his book set and got lost in the world of Eric Carle. His class recently studied “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” and he was absolutely hooked on it. Books? Check! Animals? Super double triple check! For my animal-loving bookworm, this series was heaven.

He loves French fries too so getting to devour fries while diving into these new books was absolutely thrilling for him.

My heart always soars when I see my son choosing to read. I love it when he’s pulled into the stories. I love it when he pushes his face against the book’s pages, looking like he wants to leap into the new world the book had opened up for him. Best of all, I love it when we read together. We take turns reading from this series of books. Sometimes I ask the questions (“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?”) and he answers (“I see a red bird looking at me.”). Sometimes it’s the reverse. Sometimes he recites the whole book from memory and just wants me to listen.

A Pair of Bookworms: Sharing the love of reading with my son. Bookworm date.
Bookworm date: Always a fun time with my little boy!

I’m looking forward to more of these bookworm dates as he grows up! Books, fries and orange juice for him, books and coffee for me. Maybe someday he’ll be reading comic books beside me, then graphic novels, then mystery, sci-fi ones. Whatever he’s reading, and whatever age he is, I hope we’ll carry on having these mother-son bookworm dates. It’s one of the precious moments I hold closest to my heart.

4 Comments on Bookworm dates: Books, fries and reading out loud

  1. cheekeegirl
    November 26, 2013 at 5:35 pm (11 years ago)

    Love your hair Ms. Toni! How I wish I have that behaved hair…

    • Toni
      November 26, 2013 at 5:37 pm (11 years ago)

      Haha! Thanks. 😛 I didn’t think it was behaved. Nice to know, cheekeegirl! <3

  2. J.
    August 27, 2014 at 2:58 am (10 years ago)

    So cute!

    • Toni
      August 31, 2014 at 7:33 pm (10 years ago)



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