The Tips Archive


To make room for the right side of the page, I’m making an “archive” of sorts for my tips. :)

  • Bring a book when you’re booked for a medical exam. You never know if the wait’s going to be long!
  • Visit 43 Things. Have you got goals? Would you like to cheer others on? Worth the visit. Here’s my list of goals though I’m only up to 30. Thanks to Junnie for the lead!
  • From Oprah: It’s never too soon to make vacation plans. Set aside money for airfare and a hotel in a special account or piggy bank (an envelope kept in a safe place will do). Add to your travel fund every payday.
  • When choosing a brand of appliance, don’t forget to see how good their repair service is. Service centers have to be readily accessible. Who knows when your appliance is gonna conk out? The last thing you need is to lose your temper over a service center that doesn’t pick up. Tsk tsk.
  • Why not devote the new year to a new hobby? Go to art classes, take up paper-toile, or learn a new sport. Try to master it by the end of this new year. :) It’ll be good for the heart and good for the soul.
  • Saute garlic. Add a chopped tomato, a can of tuna (without the oil), and fresh basil leaves. Stir till the flavors marry. Grab a couple of toasted bread slices and ta-da! Instant lunch!
  • Happy Feet sandals are fabulously comfortable. I was quite cautious about it, as most wooden sandals or “bakya” hurt my feet. Happy Feet was a totally different experience. This brand cushions your feet very well and makes walking even more fun. It helps that it comes in stylish colors too!
  • When traveling, don’t underestimate the power of Ziplock bags! I placed my camera inside a Ziplock bag and that’s where it stayed the whole time. It’s a great way to avoid sand entering the camera’s nooks and crannies!
  • Click me! Color-themed M&Ms are always fun. I had Halloween M&Ms (orange and brown) in June, and though it’s only October, there’s nothing like X’mas-themed M&Ms to bring on that X’mas spirit! More M&M theme ideas here!
  • Crosswords puzzles are a great way to pass time AND exercise your brain. When you can’t fill out all the words, don’t give up! Just move on to the next puzzle. Go back to the incomplete puzzles after an hour or so. You’ll be surprised that all you needed was a little bit of rest and ta-da! You’ll complete it. :)
  • Market! Market! at The Fort is a grand place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. In the middle of shopping, grab a yummy BBQ at Ineng’s, or order fresh seafood from Trinity (Dampa). They can cook your seafood any way you want!
  • With DVD players, avoid pressing “Forward” as much as possible. We busted our DVD player that way. If you really have to jump scenes, go to “next chapter” instead. Better yet, just wait it out!
  • Bring a camera with you everywhere you go. You never know when you’ll want to capture that crimson sunset, that strange cab name (I saw one that was named “Felix the Cab” with matching Felix the Cat cartoon painted on the driver’s door), or that old friend you bumped into by chance. If you’re worried about losing your camera, try having a disposable cam in your bag. They’re sturdy and not too expensive, and can still capture moments whenever you want to.
  • Writing poems is one of the most cathartic experiences ever.
  • I yearn to embrace life. But before I can do that, I have to learn how to embrace myself. Celebrate your uniqueness! Celebrate your quirks. Celebrate YOU!
  • What’s your family game? If you don’t have one, start a tradition! It’s a fun way to bring the family together. Just make sure it’s highly interactive and is not too heavy on the brain… where’s the fun in that? But if that’s your fancy, go ahead! Just remember, it should be fun for everyone!
  • Just like them, the book is OUT! Thanks to this new bible, the Fab 5 will finally be a part of my living room. :)
  • “Scenery without solace is meaningless.” — The Five People You Meet in Heaven
  • “Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.” What good deed can you perform today? Spread the love!
  • Thinking of a fancy getaway but have no time to go out of town? Book yourself into a nearby hotel. Forget household chores. Forget work. Indulge in this quiet time and take things really slow. No need to rush for anything! Savor the breakfast buffet. Get a bubble bath. Eat that chocolate mint on your pillow. Relax in the cozy sheets. Sweet bliss!
  • Give the TV a break! Unplug the entertainment box and grab a book. You not only catch up on your reading, you have peace and quiet AND you’re saving electricity!
  • They say if you do something straight for 21 days, it eventually develops into a habit. I tried doing that with one particular chore: sweeping our whole place before I leave for work. I have been doing it every other day and so I don’t know if this theory works yet. Try the 21-day habit-building theory and let me know if it works!
  • Caring for your teeth means caring for your toothbrush too! Do try to soak your toothbrush’s head in mouthwash for one minute. This will help get rid of those germs and give you a cleaner, healthier brushing experience.
  • Cheese Omelet in 3 easy steps: Beat 3 eggs. Pour into a frying pan. Add sliced cheese. Voila!
  • When you are given a compliment, resist the urge to say anything else except “Thank you.”
  • It takes 8 minutes to make a hard-boiled egg. 4 minutes for a soft-boiled egg. 45 seconds for a quail egg. 2 minutes and something seconds for many quail eggs.
  • When buying raw meat from the grocery, make sure you have an ice chest in your car. This is where you store your raw meats, to avoid the build-up of bacteria on your food.
  • To make the cooking process flow more smoothly, prepare bowls, utensils and measured ingredients before cooking.
  • Peel away from you, never towards you, unless you have a death wish.
  • Use baking soda to put out fires. But if you have a lot of money, you can use salt instead.
  • Don’t use ointment/oil-based treatments on burns; it will just make it hurt more! Do not use butter (bec. it’s oil!) or toothpaste (bec. it has chemicals that may be harmful) for that burn either. Instead, use cream-based treatments. You can also put your burn under cold running water for 5 minutes.
  • Never try to catch a falling knife.
  • SM Makati is my best friend. Why? Their supermarket is well-organized and tres clean. In my book, they have the cheapest prices around too. What more could you ask for?
  • Watch Shrek 2!!!
  • If you want to truly pamper yourself, try The Spa on Jupiter Street — it’s their best branch. The facilities are incredibly well-maintained. The service is wonderful. It is by far the best spa I’ve ever been to. I’m definitely going back for more!
  • Routines aren’t all that bad. Associate a day with a particular chore so there’s no excuse not to do that chore, or say you forgot all about it. Tuesdays are laundry days for me. Hence, Laundry Tuesdays. I go to the laundromat every Tuesday and claim my laundry every Thursday. Routine helps. (I have yet to think of what chores to associate with the remaining days of the week….. hmmm….)
  • I love Palmolive Aromatherapy Essentials’ Lavender Body Wash! It smells absolutely heavenly. I love soaping myself all over with it. I feel squeaky clean and very feminine when I step out of the shower!
  • I’ve never outgrown my love for Cerelac. This baby food makes a good afternoon snack! Mmm!
  • Use paper plates, plastic glasses, spoons and forks when not expecting company, or when your home is a mess. No worries of washing the dishes!
  • “Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.” –Max Frisch
  • “Cheaper by the Dozen” — the movie starring Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt, Hilary Duff and Tom Welling is a really light and funny movie. Watch it after a long day with family members in complete attendance!
  • Selecta’s Choco Peanut Ice Cream on a Stick is incredibly yummmmy. :) It even has what seems like CHOCNUT bits in it!
  • Let’s try to live out this beautiful quote: “I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.” (Robert Brault)
  • Stop saying “I’ll work when the clock strikes (a particular hour and minute).” JUST GET TO WORK!!! Otherwise, you’ll end up procrastinating more. (This message is especially for me).
  • It’s never too late to take the training wheels off your bike. (I will take them off soon I promise!!!)
  • Add a slice of cheese to your strawberry jam sandwich. Mmmmm. Sounds weird? Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!
  • Try new Twin Popsies Dalandan. It’s too sweet for my taste, but it’s okay. Maybe they’re giving Nestle Lemonade’s Ice Lolly a run for its money? Hmmmm. I still like the Nestle one better though.
  • 1000 mg of Vitamin C everyday helps your resistance! Works for us!
  • I’m no coffee expert, but barako was the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. Mmmm. I tried a cup in Adriatico a couple of weeks back. Now this makes me want to visit Figaro… and Batangas!
  • Share interests. H doesn’t like reading, but now he’s actually reading books. Never mind if it’s about wrestling or ghosts, at least he’s beginning to discover the joy of books. :)
  • Prayer helps.
  • Don’t scrimp on photographs. When your memory goes, they are all you’ll have left of yesterday.
  • Sunsilk Nutricare Pink + Pantene Conditioner = Soft, smooth hair 😀
  • Jollibee’s Sausage Sandwich is scrumptious. It’s a complete breakfast — thick bread, sunny side up, and a large sausage patty. I love it!
  • Fried chicken is a party staple. We didn’t serve any last night, and my sister was looking for chicken. Oh well, maybe next party!
  • Blue is a bad color for a kitchen. Experts say the color weakens one’s appetite. So if you’re on a diet, maybe you should try installing a blue light bulb in your kitchen.
  • Playing “Twister” (especially if it’s with a wacky 8-year-old) is a great way to exercise.
  • I like the Jollibee LOTR tumbler. It doesn’t have a hole for the straw, so I can use it as my own water tumbler. I can leave it (with the lid on) in the ref. So whenever I need a quick sip of H20, I just grab my tumbler. No more getting a glass and pouring from pitchers.
  • Create a humor file. Get a box and will it with quotes, anecdotes, pictures, jokes, stories that make you laugh. Draw a card out every once in a while when you wanna crack up or just feel better. :) Interesting huh!
  • For the new year, wear something you’ve never worn before. I got really pretty dangling earrings from my aunt. I never thought I’d wear earrings 2 1/2 inches long. I wore them today and hey, they grew on me. I love ’em! I’ll start wearing more of them next year! So you try something new too! :)
  • Try to make sure your checkbook’s always balanced!
  • Ube from Baguio topped with Nestle Cream is heavenly. You’ll be oooohing with each spoonful. Careful though, ’cause if you eat too much, you might cry your way to the bathroom.
  • Play Christmas music while wrapping gifts. It’ll put you in a cheerier mood and wrapping time will fly by quickly!
  • Learn something new for this year’s X’mas celebration. Try baking bread or mixing up some alcohol-free punch for everyone!
  • Pray together.
  • Be more active in taking care of yourself, woman. Get a pap smear at least once a year & have your breasts checked by your OB-gyn.
  • When going on a trip, choose sachets over bottles as much as possible. They’re space savers, anti-spill, anti-mess and you can throw ’em away after using them!
  • Don’t forget to pamper yourself! Getting a manicure, a pedicure and a foot spa can do wonders for your relaxation. Mmmm!
  • Drinking hot green tea everyday reduces the risk of heart disease. And it helps a lot with digestion, too. :)
  • When you go on a diet, it helps to have a diet buddy. The motivation is higher because of the support you give to and get from each other!
  • A childhood favorite: Put condensed milk on boiled corn on the cob. Bite into the corny sweetness. Yum. Repeat process – pour condensed milk on the corn. Ooooh sweet heaven.
  • To avoid getting mugged, don’t bring a wallet when you go to Divisoria. Put money in your pockets, hidden pockets in your bag, in your hankies, even your shoes.
  • Rub salt on fingers to get rid of fishy, oniony, garlicky and other stinky smells.
  • Eucalyptus is the best candle scent for bathrooms. It soothes AND awakens your senses at the same time. It’s a really refreshing scent. Light a euca-scented candle when you’re using the toilet (you know!) and while bathing. Just make sure to put out the candle before leaving the bathroom. Never leave a burning candle unattended!
  • After a spat, take a cool bath! (Alone, together — that’s up to you!) The cold water will literally cool you down, so you go back to your sweetie in a calmer mood.
  • Clean your aircon’s filter often. The less you do it, the more dirt accumulates, the harder it will be for your a/c to function, the higher your electric bill will be. (Must I tell you about the air you’ll be breathing too?) So clean, clean, clean it!
  • The little things count: Like preparing your wife’s toothbrush while she dresses up for work, or laying out his pajamas on the bed as he prepares for bedtime.
  • 2 Kimy Bulilitz (Milk Ice Cream Bars -tastes like Nido!) is equal to one glass of milk. Mmmm!
  • Use T-shirts as pillowcases!
  • Leave your shoes outside your bedroom, that way, you don’t bring in yucky yucky elements into the bedroom. We’re putting a shoe rack right outside my bedroom door so I can “park” my shoes before entering the most sacredplace at home.:)
  • “Life is HOW we are, not who we are or what we have.” This simple statement has significantly changed my outlook on life the past couple of days.
  • Have a bottle of water on your bedside table as much as possible as a thirst quencher, or using it to wash out something from your eye. A REAL emergency.
  • “Isang patak kaya ang ‘sang katutak” says Joy Dishwashing Liquid. Well… hindi rin eh.
  • Don’t leave peppermint scented sachets in your closet for too long. They’re bound to emit some kind of odor that will make you want to barf.
  • Go out on a date with your husband. Never stop the courtship. :)
  • Place the alarm clock far away from you to avoid repeated (and failed) pressing of the snooze button. It’s a sure way to wake you up!
  • Bring a cookbook along with you when you go shopping. If a meal does pop up in your head, you can double-check the ingredients right away.
  • Find time to be on your own even if you’re both in the house. My alone time lasts for around 30 minutes — waking up ahead of him, heating my bath water, reading a book, taking a shower. Spending time with yourself is a great way to focus on your personal needs. Tune in to what your body’s telling you. Tune out all the work and home stress. Then after that, cuddle back with the hubby.
  • Using a different pair of slippers for the bathroom and for the rest of the house is the best way to kiss watery slipper prints goodbye!
  • Never leave your trash IN the trash can for more than 3 nights, unless you want the smell of wet garbage to welcome you home after a hard day’s work
  • Heating a hard-boiled egg in the microwave sets the pace for making egg salad. Heat. Jump from seat when you hear KABOOM! Tada — mashed eggs galore. Never do this more than once in your lifetime.
  • 3 tablespoons of Tang Pomelo in one regular-sized glass is enough to give you a big sugar headache.

2 Comments on The Tips Archive

  1. undiscussablerealms
    February 4, 2005 at 11:39 pm (19 years ago)

    i always had cheese and jam sandwich when i was in 4th grade. sometimes, jam and butter. masarap talaga. and it’s a habit for me to have a tall glass of water on my bedside table because i get thirsty in the middle of the night.

    yes, courtship shouldn’t stop even when already married. neither should little surprises.

    you’re a wonderful wife, toni. your husband is so lucky. :)

  2. annemie
    November 24, 2005 at 7:53 am (19 years ago)

    Hi! I read that you wear Happy Feet
    sandals. I would like to order a pair but
    would like to know the experiences of other people
    with them. I would like to know for example how the
    footbed is. Does it give sufficient grip? Is the strap
    Would love to hear your opinion!

    Annemie Wang (from Arnhem, The Netherlands, Europe


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