Posts Tagged ‘reflections’

January Stories

by | Posted in Thoughts | 34 Comments

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. It’s mostly been because I’ve been incredibly busy at work, and partly because I ran out of blogging steam for a little while. I’ve got a whole bunch of topics I want to blog about (with these topics written down in my planner, believe me), but right now, I just want to write about random stuff about my January. Maybe somewhere in my stories you’ll find a nugget or two that connects with you. If there is one, let me know what it is! Read more…

Quiet Moments with God in the Bathroom

by | Posted in Beyond | 6 Comments
Conversations with God in the Bathroom

Quiet moments. Quiet time. Bathroom time is the only time I have most days to fully take care of myself. Because I try to shed my to-do list from my mind when I’m in the bathroom, there’s more emotional space for me to take a deep breath, relax, and just BE.

It is in this relaxing that I find quiet moments to reflect and say my prayers. It is in these quiet moments, in the bathroom, when I find answers from God. Read more…

Walking on Stars

by | Posted in Beyond, Good Reads, Motherhood, Working Mom | 4 Comments
Walking on Stars

Slowly, I’m beginning to feel “normal” again. Normal in the sense that I get to be happy with different parts of my life. The funk I was in was really draining and disheartening. But now I can say I’m walking on stars again — moving towards something lovely, bigger and more promising, and happy while on that journey. Read more…

Delight in the moment

by | Posted in Motherhood | 4 Comments

What’s the difference between time flying by and time creeping by? Delight. When you’re in the moment, engaged in delight, everything has a purpose. Everything feels like it matters more. Read more…

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