2016 Schedules for FLEX, ALC, LEAP

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LEAP 61 Graduation

Ready to take a leap this 2016? I recommend this series of programs that will nurture and empower you to embrace your greatness. The amazing experiences from the programs have filled my life with so much love and so much power — a gentle kind of power.  Read more…

My Belkin Wishlist

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The Belkin Family RockStar 4-Port USB Charger has universal compatibility too!

My family is big on gadgets. There isn’t a day when we aren’t scrambling for chargers or anything that makes using our gadgets easier for us. My husband uses his phone and tablet for work, I use my phone for working on the road and playing games, while our 6-year-old loves watching Youtube unboxing videos.

This is why I think the following Belkin products complement our family lifestyle super well! I’ve already put them on my Lazada wishlist. These are my top 5 most wanted Belkin products. 😀 (Most needed too!) Read more…

3 Things I Wish I Could Tell My College Self

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College friendships are love.

If I could go back to college, I wish I could have embraced the joy and experience of getting to know myself better, developing my skills and interests according to what I enjoyed and what I wanted for myself, relationship or no relationship. I wish I had the strength to do that. Read more…

Funny things my kid asked about pregnancy

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I want to nurture my son's inquisitive nature! (Image from Pixabay.)

My 6-year-old son is becoming more curious about how babies come to be. He saw an old picture of mine when I was still pregnant with him. Timmy: “Mommy, is there a baby in your tummy?” Me: “Yes!” (silence from Timmy) Timmy: “Mommy, did you eat the baby?” Haha! I laughed out loud when he asked the question, […] Read more…

Just Keep Reading

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My one-year-old bookworm. One of my favorite pictures of my son.

There’s one thing I don’t deny my son of — reading time. I can deny him of snacks (“Enough chocolate for the day!”), of toys (“You have enough Cars characters already.”). But when it comes to books, I find it very hard to say no. Read more…

Insights from theAsianparent’s Digital Mom Survey

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theAsianparent Philippines

“It doesn’t matter who brings home the bacon. The mother decides how it’s cooked.”
— Roshni Mahtani, CEO of theAsianparent, on Mom being the chief of the household

This was one of my favorite highlights from last Friday’s theAsianparent Asian Digital Mom Survey. Media practitioners, bloggers and marketing experts were invited by Tickled Media to meet theAsianparent.com Philippines’ Parenting Advisory Board, as well as get learnings from their Asian Mom Digital Survey. It was awesome to be part of this event! Here are highlights from their report, as well as the insights I really enjoyed from the speakers. Read more…

Quiet Moments with God in the Bathroom

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Conversations with God in the Bathroom

Quiet moments. Quiet time. Bathroom time is the only time I have most days to fully take care of myself. Because I try to shed my to-do list from my mind when I’m in the bathroom, there’s more emotional space for me to take a deep breath, relax, and just BE.

It is in this relaxing that I find quiet moments to reflect and say my prayers. It is in these quiet moments, in the bathroom, when I find answers from God. Read more…

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