Insights from theAsianparent’s Digital Mom Survey


“It doesn’t matter who brings home the bacon. The mother decides how it’s cooked.” 

— Roshni Mahtani, CEO of theAsianparent, on Mom being the chief of the household

This was one of my favorite highlights from last Friday’s theAsianparent Asian Digital Mom Survey. Media practitioners, bloggers and marketing experts were invited by Tickled Media to meet Philippines’ Parenting Advisory Board, as well as get learnings from their Asian Mom Digital Survey. It was awesome to be part of this event!

theAsianparent Philippines Philippines’ Survey Highlights

Here are more highlights from the’s survey:

  • Filipino Moms increase their use of the Internet once they become mothers. They are increasingly mobile-first and are primary decision makers for household purchases.
  • The Filipino Mom leads the digital pack among the 6 countries surveyed (Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and India). The Filipino Mom is highly connected. She is noted to be the most active on Facebook groups, forums, and online communities.
  • The digital Filipino Mom is ​ma-chika​! 22% of these active mommies interact with online communities multiple times per day. 63% of Filipino moms spend one to six hours on the internet for work, and engagement seems almost second nature.
  • The Filipino Mom uses digital to better herself as a partner and homemaker. Even after-hours, the Filipino mom is still online, with 49% of them even more active on social media past seven p.m. This is most probably when the household is settled down, right?! The Filipino Mom searches mostly for parenting tips, with 98% looking for tips on how to be the best parents and raise happy, healthy children. This is followed by cooking and baking, then education and enrichment tips.
  • She opts for screen time over face time (for meeting with friends). I can relate to this! When Ameetess Dira, Country Manager of theAsianparent Philippines, asked us Moms when the last time we had a night out with friends was, I couldn’t even answer. I can’t remember when that was!!! The survey showed that only 12% have the luxury of bonding face-to-face with other moms. The rest or a substantial 77% of Filipino moms interact with other moms online through various communities and social platforms. I didn’t take the survey, but I sure can relate to that 77%.
  • She seeks out parenting advice online.  84% of Filipino moms regularly gather online advice from friends and family members in their online network. Similarly, a close 82% of Filipino moms trust parenting websites to curate advice for them and offer them the best solutions for their mommy concerns. I remember when I was pregnant, I was online everyday getting advice from my Mommy friends and parenting sites. It was super important to get answers quickly!
  • She prefers digital over traditional media. After becoming a mother, Filipino moms admit that the faster, more accessible digital media is more aligned with their busy lifestyle. Figures show that upon becoming a moms, 30% decreased their television consumption, 47% lessened their magazine me-time, and 54% broke their broadsheet habit. With the ability to filter, specify, and choose the information she needs through digital platforms, Internet search increases exponentially for 75% of new moms. This is what the survey says. My thoughts? I think these results are very AB, maybe even C1 though. :) Philippines Parenting Advisor Board

Insights from Philippines’ Parenting Advisory Board

My favorite part of the day though was the sharing of insights from the Advisory board. Each present member was put on the hot seat, being asked a wide variety of questions. The pressure point was they were only given 20 seconds to answer each question! Here are some of the wonderful soundbytes I got:

“Moms want to hear what Dads think.”
— Ameetess Dira, Country Manager of TheAsianParent, on why they also have fathers on their Parenting Advisory Board
“I’m only as old a parent as my oldest child.”
— Amanda Griffin-Jacob, on why she shares she is not a parenting expert
“We hope we can make it sound like we’re not perfect in parenting, but HONEST in parenting.”
— Frances and Vince Sales, on what readers of theAsianparent can expect from them
“We’re not clueless because our wives tell us what to do.”
— RJ Ledesma, on fatherhood
“The adventures of being a Filipino Dad. Quiet but supportive of kids.”
— RJ Ledesma, on the Filipino kind of fatherhood and what readers of theAsianparent can expect from him
“Show them how to be empathetic.”
— Chessa Zimmer, on how to raise kids who are giving and kind
“(To borrow from Whole Mom), wholeness not perfection. Let’s grow together as parents.”
— Maricel Cua, on what readers of theAsianparent can expect from her

It was a great sharing! Thank you to Ameetess Dira for a wonderful post-conference chat, where I asked her more details about the survey. Thank you to Erika Coronel for a wonderful chat as well. Thank you to Marcie Linao for the invitation! I had a great time and am looking forward to more get-togethers.

I invite you to check out Philippines! It’s become one of my favorite parenting sites. Here are links to 5 of my favorite articles on their site:


4 Comments on Insights from theAsianparent’s Digital Mom Survey

    • Toni
      October 30, 2015 at 2:32 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you Erika! Looking forward to more theAsianparent events! :)

  1. angie
    November 9, 2015 at 4:54 pm (9 years ago)

    The results of the survey is quite interesting! I relate to most of it, including seeking information online as well as “interaction” with friends. Haha! I can imagine all the marketing that can be derived from these results. Haha!
    angie´s last blog post ..40

    • Toni
      November 11, 2015 at 7:40 pm (9 years ago)

      Marami-rami! Lots of good insights from the talk. Nakakatuwa! :)


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