Green Juice Recipe Love


What's in our Green Juice
{What’s in our family’s green juice today?}

Green juice is the drink of choice in the family now. We’re trying to be more conscious of what we eat and drink, and green juice is certainly a great beverage for good health.

Green juice can be delicious. You don’t have to cringe through all the bitterness. While you will have greens for your green juice (dark, leafy vegetables like spinach, malunggay, broccoli, kale, romaine), you can also add apple, lemon juice, pear, carrots, ginger. You can try different combinations and see which taste you’ll come to love.

Ready to make Green Juice!
{Sunday morning juicing.}

This is how Sunday morning looks like at home. For this particular day, we had apples, celery, spinach, malunggay, broccoli, honeydew melon and cauliflower for our green juice. Here’s a 15-second video of how we made our green juice:

{Our Green Juice Recipe Video}

Voila! Green juice for the family is served. My Dad is usually the chief juicer at home.

Green Juice Making
{Want a glass of green juice?}

A glass of green juice is awesome, but don’t forget that you can also enjoy this juice with other bright-colored veggies. Red vegetables like beets and red bell pepper can be mixed in. Yellow and orange plants like carrots, sweet potatoes and squash would add a wonderful sweetness to your juice. Green juice doesn’t have to be strictly just green. 😉 If you hate eating vegetables, then drinking green juice can help you fill your veggie nutrition gap.

Green Juice for Breakfast
{Breakfast Pitcher}

Are you excited about making your own green juice? Woohoo! Some words of advice before you grab a basket and go to the market:

1. Green juice is not a meal replacement.
The drink can make you feel full, but it’s not enough for a total meal replacement. While the juice can help you get your daily serving of veggies, treat this as a health supplement (not diet food).

2. Limit sweet fruits in your green juice.
Majority of your green juice should be leafy greens with only one serving of fruit, like one apple, or one carrot. More fruit than veggies means more sugar in your drink, which can give you a sugar high… and a sugar crash!

3. Go organic as much as possible.
Get the full benefits from your veggies by making sure they are pesticide-free!

4. Drink the juice as soon as you can.
To maximize the vitamins and minerals you get from the fresh vegetables, drink it as soon as you juice it. You can store the juice in airtight containers for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, but the sooner you consume the freshly made juice, the better for your health.

Green Juice for Two
{Green Juice for Two}

Ready to get started? Here are links to different green juice recipes. Enjoy! Happy juicing!

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