Archive of ‘Yummy Eats’ category

Starr’s Famous Shakes

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Retro Milkshake with Horlicks

If I say Horlicks, you say…? If you thought “childhood” then we’re probably from the same generation. Jenn and I both got the RETRO MALT shake. It’s got Horlicks powder mixed in it. Just one sip and I was thrown back to my kiddie days. I used to enjoy nibbling on Horlicks candy. When it was no longer sold here in the Philippines, it broke my kiddie heart. That’s why when I saw Horlicks powder on the counter of Starr’s, I felt my 8-year-old heart was made whole again. <3 Read more…

Green Juice for Breakfast (Recipe)

by | Posted in Recipes, Yummy Eats | 3 Comments

Green juice isn’t so bad. My tummy used to turn at the idea of having various vegetables blitzed and blended into one glass, but over time I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve also begun enjoying it. My Mom is our Head Green Juice maker at home. Whenever she plans to make her own green juice, […] Read more…

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