Posts Tagged ‘career’

January Stories

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It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. It’s mostly been because I’ve been incredibly busy at work, and partly because I ran out of blogging steam for a little while. I’ve got a whole bunch of topics I want to blog about (with these topics written down in my planner, believe me), but right now, I just want to write about random stuff about my January. Maybe somewhere in my stories you’ll find a nugget or two that connects with you. If there is one, let me know what it is! Read more…

To infinity and beyond

by | Posted in Working Mom | 0 comment

The first week back at work was easier than I thought. There were no tears or jitters as I stepped away from my sleeping tot to get started on my first day back at corporate. There were no angsty moments in the middle of the workday. I thought I’d burst into the ladies’ room during […] Read more…


by | Posted in Reflections, Working Mom | 2 Comments

What are you doing on 12/12/12? * 2013 is going to rock. At the same time, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach that won’t go away. I’m doing my best to ignore them but they’re going bat-crazy and flapping their wings like they’re on a caffeine buzz. I’m going back to corporate in the first […] Read more…

On Becoming

by | Posted in Reflections | 25 Comments

So I resigned from work two months ago. I remember the last time I resigned. I used terms like “walking on water” and stuff. I guess I’ll use it again. I’m walking on water. Taking a risk. Newness is always a risk. Read more…

Opening Doors

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“Follow your hopes and dreams. Some opportunities come once in a lifetime. It’s better to try than always wonder what could have been.” I had a phone interview today for a company abroad. I knew I was too junior for what they wanted, but I went for it anyway. I was seriously contemplating on not […] Read more…