Hummus Recipe


Hummus is one of my go-to snacks when I need a quick and healthy fix. It’s also a very versatile dip. You can throw in cayenne or paprika to make it spicy. You can throw in cilantro for an Oriental twist. I stick to a simple recipe.

Hummus Recipe
My Morning Snack: Hummus and Toasted Whole Wheat Tortillas

Basic Hummus Recipe

1 15 oz. can (420 grams) of garbanzo beans (chick peas) – drained and rinsed
1 garlic clove – chopped
1/4 cup water
3 teaspoons plain yogurt
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons lemon juice (or calamansi juice)
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

Toss everything into a blender. Puree until you have a fine, smooth paste.

You may find that you may like your hummus much finer or a little chunkier — feel free to adjust the measurement of each ingredient.

Hummus Variations

  • For a tangier hummus, add more garlic.
  • For a more original hummus taste, go for tahini paste instead of olive oil. I don’t have tahini so I use EVOO and it’s just fine. :)
  • For a saltier kick, mix chopped sun-dried tomatoes into the hummus paste.
  • Want a little green? Stir in blanched, chopped spinach into the hummus before serving.

In the picture above, I topped my hummus with some cayenne pepper and some olive oil. Doesn’t it look pretty?

Hummus is wonderful to eat with toasted whole wheat tortillas. I simply slice a piece of tortilla into 4 parts, so I have 4 triangles. I toast the triangles in an oven toaster for 4-5 minutes, or till the edges brown a little bit. Then voila! Dip them in hummus and you’ve got yourself a yummy, healthy snack!

Hummus Recipe

4 Comments on Hummus Recipe

  1. anj
    October 7, 2014 at 3:53 pm (10 years ago)

    how awesome that this looks easy to make! I should try it once. I love hummus and pita or even nacho chips. and protein packed pa! mmmm.
    anj´s last blog post ..Coming soon

  2. Chrissy Caballero
    October 8, 2014 at 11:21 am (10 years ago)

    This has been a staple in my fridge ever since I got your recipe from IG :) I loooove hummus 😀 NOw, I even brought a jar here in our office and just stored it in the fridge :) my officemates tried it and they love it too! Thanks so much Toni 😀

  3. romela
    October 17, 2014 at 3:05 pm (10 years ago)

    I didn’t know it’s this easy! :) Will do this now!

    • Toni
      October 27, 2014 at 8:21 am (10 years ago)

      Yey! :)


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