Best dried mangoes ever: Guadalupe Dried Mango Strips


Best Dried Mangoes Ever

During our recent trip to Cebu, these dried mango strips were served during my grandmother’s 90th birthday party. I found them much more delicious than other dried mango brands I’ve tried. These mango strips were sweet, but not cloyingly so. They were chewy, but not to the point you’d hurt your jaw – nor were they stringy. I also liked how neat they looked! Orange rectangles of awesomeness. It was a must, therefore, to find out what brand this was. Ta-da! Guadalupe Dried Mango Strips.

Dried Mango Strips FTW

About the product

Thanks to my grandmother for sending these over! It’s hard not go through a whole pack in one sitting. So hard.

Dried Mango Strips
Little stacked tower of dried mango love

During my grandmother’s birthday party as well, I tried drizzling the strips with chocolate from the chocolate fountain. It was all kinds of yummy. I promised I’d try that sweet concoction when I got back to Manila. Promise fulfilled.

At home 2

Melt a few squares of creamy milk chocolate in the microwave or over your stove top. Dip the dried mango strips, sit back, and enjoy!

At home

It wasn’t as yummy as my first dried mango chocolate experience. Next time I think we should use real melting chocolate. My sister suggested chocolate chips. Reason? If you use a branded chocolate bar, its signature taste overpowers the taste of the mango. The chocolate’s very delicious, yes, but with this snack you’d want to taste both the chocolate AND the mango. Chocolate chips next time, it is.

So yup, best dried mangoes ever in my opinion: Guadalupe Dried Mango Strips. Now I know what to look for next time I go to Cebu!

Do you like dried mangoes too? There are several brands in Manila supermarkets but I haven’t encountered Guadalupe here yet. If you spot some, could you let me know? 😉

8 Comments on Best dried mangoes ever: Guadalupe Dried Mango Strips

  1. ibyang
    June 21, 2013 at 11:37 am (11 years ago)

    I consider Cebu my 2nd home in the Phils because I used to intermittently live there due to work and remember then that my luggage would be full of these Guadalupe Mango Strips. :)

    Awesome. Matagal na pala ‘tong Guadalupe Mango Strips! Makes it even more awesome, having that heritage. Thanks for the Landmark tip on Twitter too!

    ibyang´s last blog post ..Nespresso Limited Edition 2013: Trieste and Napoli

  2. kaoko
    June 21, 2013 at 2:54 pm (11 years ago)

    Toni, I’ve seen this in a local super! Actually, I considered buying since it looked like the ones in your photos. Dapat pala pinatulan ko na. Sa Metro ko ata nakita. Figures, since they have a lot of Cebu-based products. (Like the best Squidballs evar!)

    Yehey! Thanks for the tip, Kaoko!

  3. Cyn
    June 21, 2013 at 10:06 pm (11 years ago)

    Thanks, Toni! Yummy photos : )

    Thanks Cyn!

  4. JLE
    March 3, 2014 at 2:16 pm (10 years ago)

    Hello! I heard about this product and it sounds great! Any idea where to buy it in Makati or Quezon City? Thanks.

    • Toni
      March 4, 2014 at 3:46 pm (10 years ago)

      Hi JLE! My friend saw it in a Metro grocery at Market Market. BGC though, not Makati or QC :)

  5. hansel
    April 14, 2014 at 4:30 pm (10 years ago)

    This is not real dried mango meat slices, it was pureed then dry it & slice in uniformity, because real mango meat slices cannot uniformily cut. FYI only.

  6. James
    October 27, 2014 at 11:02 am (10 years ago)

    Good morning mam my name is James i want to inquire about the guadalupe dry mango unit price for 100 gram and 200 game i need 1200 pcs reply back when ever recieved my inqiurement thank you

  7. Rene Timothy Lee
    December 23, 2016 at 9:44 pm (8 years ago)

    I grew up knowing the family who first started drying the mangoes on their rooftop. They’re literally next door to our house. Never realize that they’ll go global. This was around late 70s and early 80s. So proud and happy to be aquatinted to a happy and successful family!


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