Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Still here

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Busy quiet time

Just a post to say that I’m still here. When there’s a long pause in blogging, it’s usually because of a blogging burnout or having no time to blog. It’s been a combination of both for me. It’s a good thing, really, but I do miss writing for the love of it.  Read more…

Walking on Stars

by | Posted in Beyond, Good Reads, Motherhood, Working Mom | 4 Comments
Walking on Stars

Slowly, I’m beginning to feel “normal” again. Normal in the sense that I get to be happy with different parts of my life. The funk I was in was really draining and disheartening. But now I can say I’m walking on stars again — moving towards something lovely, bigger and more promising, and happy while on that journey. Read more…

Take a Deep Breath — How Mindful Breathing Calms You

by | Posted in Motherhood | 4 Comments
My son taking a breather in the playground before running around again.

At home, I taught my 5-year-old how to do it. In the beginning, it was me reminding him to take deep breaths. It usually happened when he was throwing a tantrum. After I let him express his frustration, whether it’s through tears or some angry words, I tell him, “Timmy. Take a deep breath.” He does. “One more time.” He does it again. It instantly calms him. Then he’s able to reflect better on what he was being so frustrated about, so we get to deal with it in a gentler, calmer manner. Read more…

A Stronger YOU in 2015

by | Posted in Reflections, Thoughts | 6 Comments

The last part of this year, I reflected on this question: What’s the more loving thing to do? It was my emotional compass the past months and has greatly helped me make better decisions. It proves that when you come from a place of love, good things do come.

So what’s my compass going to be in 2015? It is this: “Will it make me stronger?”
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