Makuha ka sa isang linya


Regular crazy post-breakfast scenario: Cluttered breakfast table. Bed still undone. Sink filled. Trash to the brim. Some spilled water on the floor. Clock ticking on the wall.

In between clearing the table, washing the dishes, taking out the trash, wiping the spill, H calls out and asks, “Wifey, can I have water please?”

“Okay.” Gives him water.

I continue clearing the table, washing the dishes, heating water for my bath, preparing our tea.

“Wifey, don’t forget we have to leave at 9 am.”

I turn around and put my arms on my hips. “Husby! That’s 10 minutes from now! I still have to fix the bed, take a shower, dry my hair and get dressed. How can I do all that by 9 am?”

He looks at me sheepishly. “You’re Super Wifey.”

(Patay tayo diyan.)


Hay, I love my H talaga. He does help around a LOT but most of the time, I do the chores myself because I have a system. While I have no problem doing chores, I don’t like being rushed. Uh-uh. I’ll bite your head off if you pressure me. But when a kambyo reply (“shifting of gears”?) like this happens, I just can’t help but laugh. 😀

0 comment on Makuha ka sa isang linya

  1. Linnor
    November 6, 2007 at 4:51 pm (17 years ago)

    Parang scene from a romantic sitcom…. 😀

    Haha oo nga ‘no!

  2. ganns
    November 6, 2007 at 5:24 pm (17 years ago)

    LOL Oh that’s so funny!

    “You’re Super Wifey.” Sabay ngiti.


    Yeah that smile was killer. Tsk tsk. 😀

  3. sha
    November 6, 2007 at 7:47 pm (17 years ago)

    hahaha toni… just woke up am still on bed reading this….. common super wifey…. very sweet… 😉

    Yes, it was cute and sweet. I just couldn’t get mad after that.

  4. Em Dy
    November 6, 2007 at 9:11 pm (17 years ago)

    Maybe you should change your header to Super Wifely Steps. He he.

    Thanks for the suggestion! But no thanks, he might get away with even more things. Haha!

  5. Christianne
    November 6, 2007 at 10:24 pm (17 years ago)

    Aww how sweet!

    But seriously, even Super Wifeys need to delegate sometimes you know. 😀

    Yes that is so right! That is one thing I need to be stronger about. And less OC about!

  6. Mitch
    November 6, 2007 at 10:37 pm (17 years ago)

    I super agree with Christianne’s super comment hehehe!

    Hi Mitch! I super agree with you super agreeing with her!

  7. cyberpunk
    November 7, 2007 at 12:07 am (17 years ago)

    awww that was really sweet…he can get away with anything 😀

    Hi cyberpunk. Oh yes he can. I’m such a pushover!

  8. ela
    November 7, 2007 at 6:04 am (17 years ago)

    nyahahaha. super wifey!
    galeng talaga humirit ng mga asawa ano?! di ka maiinis e, matatawa ka na lang talaga 😀

    Oo nga eh mapapangiti ka nalang!

  9. dhey
    November 7, 2007 at 11:01 am (17 years ago)

    i gotta come up with those great one-liners too! 😀 ahehe… hope i get the same results.

    Basta dapat maganda ang timing!

  10. fionixe
    November 7, 2007 at 3:15 pm (17 years ago)

    wee ~ anlupit naman ni Husby mo ^_^ knows how to make palusot eh 😀

    Oo! Pero hindi na mauulit. Isang beses lang nagwork ang linyang ‘to. Hehe.

  11. Junnie
    November 7, 2007 at 11:57 pm (17 years ago)

    hey that’s the manly cop out that we can’t be much of help…kasi you women are our “super wifeys”…don’t let the husby get off the hook and have a comeback and say…”kailangan ko dito si Wonder Dog….halika at tulungan mo ako…”

    I LOVE THAT HIRIT!!!!!!!!! I will use that. Promise. Hehehe.

  12. JMom
    November 8, 2007 at 3:05 am (17 years ago)

    hehe! cute nyo talaga :)

    Is that Emmett of twilight fame sa iyong Keywords? I am so in love with that series right now…..can’t wait for book 4!

    Yes! All my keycodes are Twilight related. 😉

  13. JMom
    November 8, 2007 at 3:06 am (17 years ago)

    tama nga! next key code naman, rosalie. LOL!! :)

    See? 😀 😀 😀 Twilight fans unite!

  14. kayni
    November 8, 2007 at 3:53 am (17 years ago)

    Hi T, You’ve been tagged.

    Guess I didn’t run fast enough. *L*


  15. Meeya
    November 8, 2007 at 7:42 am (17 years ago)

    junnie’s right, every superhero needs a sidekick 😀

    I’ll use that Wonder Dog hirit sometime!

  16. pinayhekmi
    November 8, 2007 at 8:24 am (17 years ago)

    He sure knows how to squirrel out of a tight spot, that hubby of yours! Hehehe.

    I don’t know if I’ll let that happen again. Haha! It was so cute anyway.

  17. Cookie
    November 8, 2007 at 2:20 pm (17 years ago)

    Super husby is super kulit :)


  18. Rachel
    November 9, 2007 at 10:02 pm (17 years ago)

    hi ate toni! ang kulit ng husby mo, pero bumigay ka naman agad haha! minsan talaga ganyan para bang nasa point ka na na asar na asar pero kapag binanatan ka ng ganoon mapapangiti ka na lang.. take care!

    Hi Rach! Hope all is well with you. Yup, may mga oras talaga na napapatawa ka nalang. 😉 I enjoy these moments.

  19. iska
    November 10, 2007 at 1:02 pm (17 years ago)

    this is really funny toni hehehehe
    minsan hirap ng superwoman ano…

    Haha! Mahirap na masaya.

  20. arpeelazaro
    November 14, 2007 at 3:55 pm (17 years ago)

    reminds me of my wife. she hates it when i volunteer to help out in the house. like you, she says she has a system. so OC! i guess most women are like that. kudos to all super wifeys in the world!

    Just don’t forget to offer! Even if we sometimes don’t let you do work, the mere fact that you offered means a lot. 😉


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