Hair Loss After Pregnancy


Hair Fall After PregnancyFive months after I gave birth, I began noticing a lot of my hair falling out. There were stray strands in the shower, strands in my hair brush, strands on my clothes, strands on the bed! It was alarming. I have read that postpartum hair loss is normal, but I didn’t realize how much hair I’d be shedding. Eek!

My biggest concern was that my long stray hair could affect my baby. A strand of hair could get wrapped around a baby’s fingers, toes, wrists, ankles, even his penis. This tourniquet could cause him pain and may even cut off his circulation if it goes unnoticed for a long time.

How do you deal with postpartum hair loss? There’s a lot of advice in various baby websites, but here’s what’s working for me:

1. Be gentle with your hair. If you have to use products for your hair, go for mild ones. And brush or comb gently. If I run my fingers through my hair, I’ll end up with a handful of stray strands. Freaky. Careful strokes are the way to go.

2. Consider a much shorter hairstyle. With a wash-and-wear style, you save time scooping hair out of the drain or plucking them from your brush, so you get to spend more time on the baby.

And so I had my hair cut short! It took a bit of getting used to since I’ve worn my hair long for many years, but I like my hair better now. It’s quick to dry and style, and stray hair on pillows and sheets are easier to brush away.

Not all women experience hair fall after pregnancy. If you do experience it, do not worry. It’s just our hormones adjusting post-pregnancy. But if, however, you feel that there is an excessive amount of hair fall, do talk to your doctor. Better safe than sorry.

Did you experience hair fall post-pregnancy? How did you deal with it? Feel free to share your stories and tips on how to cope with post-pregnancy hair loss.

15 Comments on Hair Loss After Pregnancy

  1. Connie
    March 9, 2010 at 9:10 am (14 years ago)

    It’s become a permanent condition with me. The upside is — my hair grows back SO FAST. I think the normal rate is 1/4 inch per month; mine grows longer than that. And the replacement process is fast too so there’s no hair thinning. So except for the hair that I collects on the bathroom floor, it’s a non-issue with me.
    .-= Connie´s last blog ..Drunken pork with mango salsa =-.

    Lucky you that the hair grows back quickly! No worries about suffering a bald spot then!

  2. May
    March 9, 2010 at 10:41 am (14 years ago)

    I lost a bit of hair post-pregnancy too! It was alarming at first ~ when wet, like when taking a bath, and just a little tug would yeild clumps of hair… wahh!! Skeri. Then the growing out part — talk about embarrassing. Hair loss was more prominent on the side near my forehead and when the hair started growing back, well it was hard to cover them up all standing in attention. Not even the stickiest of hair gels could make them lie still for the life of me. My Sophia is 2 years old now… and the hair, well growing out fine. It’s a bit longer but still at that frustrating stage. A little. Oh well. In time.

    Maybe you can find a cut that suits the growth of your hair so it’s not as frustrating?

  3. Jayme
    March 9, 2010 at 1:29 pm (14 years ago)

    I could so relate to this. Mine weren’t just strands, they were clumps. :( Our bathroom drain would always get so clogged whenever I showered because of all the falling hair. A little bit would grow but more would fall. I resorted to tying up my hair in a pony and wearing a headband all the time to hide the “buhok pusa.” Then I realized that I was just torturing my hair by doing that, so I finally just let go and let my hair be.

    Unlike you, I couldn’t cut my hair short because its so wavy. I would look like a walking puff if I had it cut. Good thing my hair grew back slowly but surely. As much as possible, I only limit my shampoo to every other day because I found out that I lost more hair whenever I shampooed. I also finger comb my hair most of the time so it would be much gentler.

    Your new cut looks good on you btw. Rest easy, your hair will go back to normal hopefully in a few more months.
    .-= Jayme´s last blog ..Oscars 2010 fashion: My best dressed picks =-.

    Thanks for the compliment!
    So the trick talaga is to be gentle ‘no? And to be patient. Haha!

  4. kala
    March 9, 2010 at 7:59 pm (14 years ago)

    I have the same problem, Toni! Like you, I cut my hair short too, but the hair’s still falling. Will talk to my doctor about it. It is SO TRUE, your concern about hair getting wrapped around your child’s body. When Lila was 2 1/2 months old she was rushed to 2 hospitals because of this. She was crying so much one day and she wasn’t hungry or wet… so after a few hours of trying to get her to calm down I did a full body check. She was wearing pajamas since it was winter, and when I saw her foot, her middle toe was sooo red and swollen and was as big as her big toe! Each time I would touch her leg she would jerk and cry. I brought her to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, but they didn’t dare touch her because the toe was too swollen that they couldn’t even see the strand of hair around her toe. Plus they were scared to break her toe since she was so little. So we were transferred to a hospital for children in Paris. They had to cut her a bit and she had her foot bandaged for 3 days. The doctors told me that it was a really good thing that I found the toe when I did; a few more hours and it could have been worse. Scary!!!

    Anyway, wanted to share my story to the moms out there to tell you that this DOES happen!
    .-= kala´s last blog ..The sun for several hours =-.

    OMG, so it DOES happen. That sounded like a crazy, scary experience. :( :( :( We really can’t be too careful with our little ones! Hope your little girl’s toe is okay now.

  5. kayni
    March 9, 2010 at 11:30 pm (14 years ago)

    I super LOVE the short hair. You look great. I hope all is well and the baby is doing great too.
    .-= kayni´s last blog ..Puerto Rico For The Foodie =-.

    Thanks Kayni :) Timmy’s doing great and so am I! Hope you are too.

  6. Martine
    March 11, 2010 at 12:53 am (14 years ago)

    I’m a new lurker on your blog, and it’s funny you should talk about post-partum hair loss; I thought I was alone dealing with this annoying problem. I’ve always had a thick head of hair, and in my recent blog entry, I also wrote about my unfortunate “s-tress” problem. Sigh.

    I started to notice the problem a few weeks shy of my son’s four-month birthday. Hair was falling out at a rapid pace, slowly clogging our shower drain (and pissing off my hubby, as hairballs are his pet peeve!). When I brushed, hair came out in clumps!

    I was able to try a variety of hair products, but probably the most helpful was an organic lauat concoction (check I found the product line in SM Hypermart beside Tiendesittas, and so far, it’s worked well for me. The hair loss is still a problem, but the volume of falling hair has decreased after two weeks of using this product. Apparently it cleans your scalp of residue that may cause weakening of the strands. Anyway, it’s working for me so far!
    .-= Martine´s last blog ..Yes, we like healthy eating. =-.

    Thank you for the product tip!!! My hair fall has curbed now, I think. Whew.

  7. Jamie
    March 17, 2010 at 11:40 am (14 years ago)

    So funny that you wrote about this! Just yesterday, I had to unclog our bathroom drain!!! That’s twice in a span of a month!!!


    That’s a lot!!

  8. Gene
    May 18, 2010 at 2:53 pm (14 years ago)

    Sadly for me, my pill have the side effect of losing hair, that with postpartum hair loss, you might think I am having chemo therapy with the amount of hair I’m losing. I finally decided to stop with the pill and cut the darn hair. My stylist asked me a couple of times if I’m really sure to get rid of it. From waist length hair to a bob cut and I’ve never been happy. I do miss my hair though, but the shedding, not so much. I also experimented with different brand of shampoos.
    .-= Gene´s last blog ..Mommy and Baby Fair 2010 =-.

    Awww, who knows it might grow back soon!

  9. Casey
    November 4, 2010 at 9:34 am (14 years ago)

    i know some other cases like a friend of mine started having hair loss after six months of not eating meat.

  10. andy
    January 23, 2011 at 10:13 pm (13 years ago)

    Demodex mites are invisible to the naked eye. If Demodex mites are present, obvious signs would be an itchy scalp, itchy skin, skin inflammation, a crawling sensation as well as severe hair fall. Around 80% of the adult population have a Demodex Folliculorum infection.

    Detail article:

  11. Hair Loss Treatment
    April 11, 2011 at 2:54 pm (13 years ago)

    My daughter will be 4 months old on April 16th, and I am losing TONS of hair in the shower and I have bald spots right above my temples. Its pretty unsightly, and I freaked out the first time I noticed them, but there are baby hairs in those areas so I know that it will grow back eventually. I wear my bangs over the bad spots to hide them, and that works pretty well. Chin up, moms! It can’t last forever.

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  13. Elane
    October 12, 2011 at 9:45 am (13 years ago)

    It’s normally to had experienced hair loss after you gave birth because of your hormones. Your body haven’t restored yet and it takes time before it will return to it’s normal production of hormones. So as a result we women experience hair loss but not that crucial compared to people who’s already going to bald. Provided with proper diet and nutrition this can be resolve quickly.
    Elane´s last blog post loss treatment

  14. hairfalled
    December 17, 2019 at 12:28 pm (4 years ago)

    Truly a beautiful and useful post. Many thanks for giving such an informative post.


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