Children’s Prayers: Funny and Heartwarming


Children’s prayers are so cute. I love listening to my son say his bedtime prayers. Before I share some with you, here’s a snippet from the other night’s bedtime conversation we had:

Me: Timmy, you want a bedtime story?
Timmy: Yes. (turns his back to me and closes his eyes)
Me: (thinking, hmmm… I’ll tell him the story of Creation) There was a time when there was no world. No rivers, no mountains, no oceans…
Timmy: (sits straight up and looks at me) What?!?

Ah, kids. Conversations like this with my 5-year-old are so funny. Here’s his prayer from a few nights ago:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for my toys. Thank you for my books. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my Lego. Thank you for my Playdough. Thank you for Timmy sleeping. Thank you for holding hands. Thank you for Timmy going to school. Dear Jesus. Good night Jesus!

Here’s a prayer from last night, which tugged at my heart:

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for my toys. Thank you for my books. Thank you for my family. Thank you the iPad. Thank you for Timmy sleeping. Thank you for Timmy waking up. Dear Jesus. Good night Jesus!

I loved the ‘waking up’ part. It was a good reminder for me to say morning prayers! The content of his prayers changes everyday, but you’ll notice that it always starts with “Thank you for my toys. Thank you for my books.” Super cute! There are nights when he specifies what those toys are — Lego, Playdough, robots. There are nights when he specifies stories — “Thank you for the Three Little Pigs.”

He always prays with such sincerity. My husband and I share a look after each prayer of Timmy’s. We both say a silent prayer on our own, thanking God for our little boy.

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One of my favorite bedtime prayers of his is this.

“Dear Jesus, Thank you for the bee. Thank you for the beetle. Thank you for the cockroach. Thank you for the caterpillar. Thank you for the butterfly. Thank you for the ladybug. Thank you Jesus. Good night Jesus!”

I don’t know about the cockroach, but I think it’s a beautiful gratitude prayer. You don’t normally remember the little creatures. Thanks Timmy!

Children’s prayers are the cutest because they come straight from the heart. You can tell right away what the highlights of their day were, and what they cherish so much. I love hearing my son thank God for his Dad, myself, his grandparents, godmothers, classmates, teachers… I love it. I love seeing my son have a sense of gratitude and have this perspective of how blessed we are everyday.

This is why my son’s bedtime prayer is a moment I look forward to everyday. It’s a reminder for me to be more grateful as well, and to celebrate the little things that matter most to us – love and family, with a genuine, wholehearted chuckle. :)

4 Comments on Children’s Prayers: Funny and Heartwarming

    • Toni
      February 27, 2015 at 9:15 am (9 years ago)

      Thank you! Evening prayers are always a part of the day I look forward to. He surprises me all the time!

  1. Catholic Media
    January 10, 2020 at 10:27 am (5 years ago)

    Wow! So nice to hear for a boy pray like that. He never asks in his prayer, what he did, he just thank God. I learned something from this post, and that is to thank God whatever comes to your life whether it’s good or bad.

  2. Jose L.
    March 20, 2020 at 2:40 pm (4 years ago)

    Truly, children’s prayers are the best. Also the little things that happened in their life, they’re still grateful for it. Their faith is also quite impressive. That’s why the Bible tells us that we need a child-like faith because there’s something special about their faith. And God is very close to the children, he even said, “Let the children come to me,” this is how precious they are to the Lord. Anyway In any case, thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with your kids.


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