Random thoughts running on caffeine


I’m still here, wonderfully, crazily, blessedly busy with work. Still breathing. Running on caffeine.

It's gonna be a looooooooong night. Triple Venti Caramel Macchiato.

I tried quitting coffee a few months back. My break up with coffee lasted all of 3 weeks. Its hold on me has been too darn strong and so I dived back into its caffeine-laden arms. Oh coffee how I love you.

So I want to do a blog giveaway but I don’t know what to give away. Maybe something like Wifely Steps’ Favorite Things ala Oprah but not as grand as hers. Maybe my favorite book. My favorite coffee (har har). Whaddayathink?

I’ve also been thinking of changing my blog layout. Haven’t had time to really dive into the details though, but if you have blog designs/designers to recommend please leave details in comments! It would be nice to kick off with a new look in 2013.

I’m stalling. It’s 2.22 am as I type this and I’m using this blog entry to recharge my brain a little bit before diving back into putting together my team’s projects list for the week. So many exciting activities, so little time! I wish I had a personal assistant to run my errands. Andy Sachs, yes? Nah, I’m no Miranda Priestly.

Last night I dreamt Chris Evans was my boyfriend. I did NOT want to wake up. 😀

We’ve put up our Christmas tree at home and it’s looking awesome. Will post pics when the decorations are complete! We’re going for a DIY look this year :) So much love put into our tree.

Have you seen Breaking Dawn Part 2 yet? Ugh, I have not. I want to.

Have you seen the international trailer for Les Miserables yet? Not yet? Well you have to! Here it is:

Cannot watch this trailer without tearing up. I spent countless days back in high school listening to Les Miserables ON CASSETTE TAPES. Mwahaha. Is that dated or what? I also saw the play when it was performed by Repertory Philippines — wonderful, wonderful. Still can’t forget how amazing Michael Williams was as Jean Valjean. Anyway, I cannot wait to see Les Miz on the big screen. Wish I could watch this with 2 of my high school friends who were as ga-ga over Les Miz as I was back then. I’ll probably see this with my sisters & Mom though as they’re super huge fans as well. Cannot wait. But perhaps this will be shown in Manila in January because we have the Metro Manila Film Festival in December.

Okay enough stalling. Time to go back to work. But do tell me… how’ve you been? 😀

8 Comments on Random thoughts running on caffeine

  1. Faye
    November 20, 2012 at 9:18 am (12 years ago)

    i miss your posts Toni! do a fave coffee blog giveaway! i’ll be first in line to join! hehe. my days have been hectic too (especially this month) and as early as now, i am dreaming of summer already (vacation days yipeeee!). have a great week ahead anyways!
    Faye´s last blog post ..Weekend # 46 – Dates, Reviewers and Handmade Things

  2. Cham
    November 21, 2012 at 2:28 pm (12 years ago)

    I’m a slave to coffee too! I’ve tried the 21-Day Habit Formation thingy on quitting coffee-drinking but of course, I failed in it. I guess I’ll just have to enjoy it while it lasts… Planning to re-read Les Miserables before the movie comes out. I remember using that book for a highschool term paper (don’t remember what I wrote though. LOL)

    Can’t wait to see your Tree! I’m sure it’ll be awesome… Merry Christmas in advance… 😉
    Cham´s last blog post ..5 Things You Should NOT Do During Client Meetings

  3. Jenn Tan
    November 22, 2012 at 10:28 am (12 years ago)

    What is life without coffee?! haha

    We should meet up soon, be slaves to coffee together, diyan lang sa may inyo oh ;P

    Can’t wait for Les Miz!
    Jenn Tan´s last blog post ..Adding SMS Alert To Google Calendar

  4. Kathy Ngo
    November 22, 2012 at 3:42 pm (12 years ago)

    Seen the movie. Seen the trailer.

    Knew a great web designer but he went MIA. =( He made my blog badge :)

    As for coffee, wow! 3 shots? The most I had was 2.
    Kathy Ngo´s last blog post ..Cha Xian Milk Tea

  5. Rye
    November 23, 2012 at 5:36 pm (12 years ago)

    Yeah, some folks keep telling me to avoid coffee but then it only messes up my routines… so I’ve chosen to ignore them. :)

    No suggestions for the design, although you made me think about coming up with a new design for my site too. Hmmm…
    Rye´s last blog post ..iFanboi

  6. witsandnuts
    December 3, 2012 at 12:30 am (12 years ago)

    I can already picture out your Christmas tree. Been following some details through your Flickr, heehee. Btw, I watched the Breaking Dawn finale on the opening day. I’ll always remember you as a Twilight sister haha!
    witsandnuts´s last blog post ..Happy 41st birthday, UAE

  7. Kyle Gruber
    April 30, 2015 at 9:21 pm (9 years ago)

    It feels good knowing that I’m not the only one who lives off caffeine, nearly to the point where it controls me! ahhh!


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