

Matcha green tea latte. CBTL. Mmm.

What are you doing on 12/12/12?


2013 is going to rock. At the same time, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach that won’t go away. I’m doing my best to ignore them but they’re going bat-crazy and flapping their wings like they’re on a caffeine buzz.

I’m going back to corporate in the first quarter of 2013. It was a choice I knew I would eventually make and it’s good timing. I’m counting the days of WAHMlife now and want to cry when I imagine how the first few weeks will probably be. It’s gonna be hard for this Momma.

But it’s all good. I do miss going to work in the 9-to-5 way. I do miss the buzz of the industry I started out with. For sure I’ll have a little trouble transitioning after 2 years of working from home. I know I can do it, but that doesn’t take away the little anxieties I have.

I also have to build up my wardrobe. Wearing pajamas to work isn’t going to be my thing anymore.


Lipstick on my macchiato & a bite in my donut. Sneaking in a quick afternoon break. Pockets of bliss.

Lipstick on my macchiato and a donut bite. Pocket moments of quiet.


I’m going to grow my hair long in 2013. Anyone up for resolutions?


The funny thing is the more I think about going back to corporate, the more I feel like I’m reclaiming myself. WHUT? Yeah. It’s not like I lost myself the past two years working at home, oh no no no. I’ve gained and learned so much that it pains me to break away from it. Maybe it’s time for myself I’m excited about. Those quiet cab rides to work. The buzz of a work day and leaving work behind, detaching myself from a physical office (yeah well let’s see if the workaholic in me doesn’t start bringing work home on the 1st day). Undisturbed lunches, if I’m not in meetings. Heck maybe I’ll go sign up for the gym again. My love handles are loving me too much.

I’m pretty psyched.


On 12/12/12, I’ll be in meetings and will probably be neck-deep with work. It’s work that I enjoy doing, with teammates I enjoy working with. Then dinner with my husband, hopefully, if he makes it through rush hour and if my meeting doesn’t extend. It’s supposed to be a day of laughter and harmony, my teammate said. I’m looking forward to it. What are your plans?



“The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.” – Lost in Translation

2 Comments on Breathing

  1. Cham
    December 7, 2012 at 10:44 am (12 years ago)

    Ohhh… I’m a bit sad that you won’t be a WAHM anymore… But I’m happy for you because you” be starting a new phase in your life journey…

    Please please please keep on blogging… Please? :)
    Cham´s last blog post ..Outsmarting Pablo: Our Too-Real Emergency Drill

  2. Em Dy
    December 7, 2012 at 5:51 pm (12 years ago)

    Come to think of it, I scheduled a facial on 12/12/12. Now if the world ends, I know I’d look my best.

    Good luck on your return to corporate!
    Em Dy´s last blog post ..Eat Out Now! 115 Manila Restaurants We Love


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