Posts Tagged ‘marriage advice’

What have you stopped doing together since you got married?

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Is there any activity you and your partner stopped doing together when you got married? The type of activity you loved to do during dates, but found yourself not doing enough of when you were husband and wife?

I was in for a surprise one day when my husband and I found ourselves with an hour to kill. I suggested we go to a coffee shop. He suggested something else. Read more…

Funny Marriage Quotes

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There are a lot of inspiring marriage quotes, but when you search for marriage quotes, you’ll stumble upon really funny ones too! Here are some of my favorite funny marriage quotes. 😀 Why not share a couple with your partner and share a couple of laughs too? Read more…

12 Lessons from 12 Years of Marriage

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"Marriages, like careers, need constant nurturing... the secret of having it all is loving it all." --  Joyce Brothers

My husband and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary last May 24. We both couldn’t believe it’s been 12 years! We’re still learning so much about how to manage a marriage that we feel like we’re both still new at this. Haha!

Our marriage has its crazy twists and turns, but it also has many moments of joyful serenity. We’ve learned a few things through the course of our journey. Here are some that have been making our marriage work. Read more…

Taking Turns in Marriage

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Taking Turns

In our 11 years of marriage, I’ve been noticing a “taking turns” pattern for me and my husband. It was disorienting in the early years, but over time we’ve seen how it’s been strengthening our marriage. Taking turns is integral to nurturing your marriage and growing as individuals. Here’s a peek into our story. Read more…

Surprise your wife

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Surprise your wife

These are the moments that build a marriage — loving acts of service that fill the ‘love meter’ in a relationship. It helps when it comes in the form of a pleasant surprise too! It makes the love more palpable. Have faith! Believe in love! Read more…

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