Posts Tagged ‘home sweet home’

Beach Cottage Love

by | Posted in Around the Home, Beyond | 2 Comments

This has GOT to be my favorite home featured on Houzz. I can totally imagine living here. Beachy, coastal, casual, cozy — I love it. My Houzz: Casual Comfort on the Coast To avoid getting overwhelmed by work, I go “home-hopping” online. This Long Beach family home tour was just what I needed today. Don’t […] Read more…

Condo Cleaning: Home Clean Home

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Condo Cleaning By Home Clean Home

When my husband and I used to live in a condo, one of my big concerns was cleaning. I struggle with dusting and mopping and all — I’d take washing a whole pile of dishes ANY DAY over scrubbing floors. So our condo was a little dusty and occasionally clean. Haha. A friend of mine recently put up up this Condo Cleaning service — it’s called Home Clean Home. Loving the name AND the services! Read more…