The Long-Running Interview Tag


I'm It! You're it!I was interviewed by several ladies last month, but only made enough time now to answer each one! Sorry girls. Better late than never. If you want to be interviewed, leave a comment and say “Interview me!”

SexyMom Dine asks. I answer.
1. Have you ever experienced to be poor? What is your greatest fear? Credit card debt in my impulsive years — I’m still paying for it. Literally. Greatest fear: losing loved ones.
2. What gives you a high? A real high? Getting caught in the middle of a really good book.
3. How do you see yourself 10 years from now? Does growing old bother you? I see myself as a more accomplished woman in my career and family life. Growing old isn’t a problem; I’ll try to do it as gracefully as I can.
4. It’s generally cooking for two in your home. Do you always do the cooking? I cook more than H does, but we’ve hardly been cooking. When there are only two of you at home, most of the time it’s cheaper to eat out than cook in.
5. If your life were FOOD, what would it be? Right now, I think of my life as a tasty appetizer like a tomato-garlic bruschetta or sizzling mushrooms. I feel like I’m beginning all over again and that the rest of the courses that come my way will be even tastier.

More questions from sweet Aisee, cheery Karol and the vivacious missyosigirl.

Aisee asks. I answer.
1. What do you do to make yourself really relax? Play The Sims 2. Read a great book. Watch DVDs.
2. What is your all-time favourite dish to make and what makes it so special to you? Cheesy Garlic Bread. I haven’t prepared that in ages though. I don’t have an oven and I’m trying not to eat too much cheese. It’s very special to me because it was a favorite of my late grandfather’s. He liked his with extra garlic. Sigh.
3. What charity do you support and what are your reasons for supporting it? World Vision, but I haven’t been active in a long time. Thanks for the wake-up call. I support it because I like helping children get an education. I hope they’re getting a good one with WV.
4. How did YOU start blogging? I came to know blogging through a thread in PinoyExchange. Some online friends and I were curious about it. I tried one out with Diaryland, then got invited to Livejournal by pal Kai. That was 2001. I got hooked and here I am! Still hooked!
5. If you didn’t have your computer for a month, how would you occupy the time that you would normally use to blog Wifely Steps? Reading more books and writing in the idea journal that I carry around with me all the time.

Karol asks. I answer.
1. What do you love most about blogging? The interactive sharing of ideas, information and emotions.
2. If you had kids, what would you name them (boy and girl)? When we have kids, some of the names we plan to give them are: Timmy (boy or girl). Lily. Denise. Josephine. Joseph. Timothy.
3. Who is your favorite author and why? I really like the way Stephanie Meyer writes. I am re-reading her book Twilight, and the sequel New Moon is on my nightstand. She is a captivating writer. What could have been just another horrific vampire story was made sexy and intelligent, while still retaining its innate darkness and that hint of horrifying malice. Meyer is BRILLIANT.
4. How do you deal with stress? I play The Sims 2.
5. If you had a chance to switch lives with a personality, with who would you want to do so? I’d like to be Oprah for a day.

MissYosiGirl asks. I answer.
1. Name the Top 3 items in your dream kitchen. A kick-ass oven. Kick-ass shelves. Lots of space to go around in.
2. What’s your bedtime ritual? Drink water. Take a shower. Brush my teeth. Gargle. Clean tongue. Floss. Get dressed. Moisturize face and body. Comb wet hair. Dry hair. Drink water. Get book. Read till sleepy. Get up to pee. Drink water. Check locked doors. Turn off lights. Cuddle with H. Good night and sweet dreams!
3. I know you’re a really cheery person, Toni, but kuwento ka naman ng one really bad day, and how you breezed through it. I was having an emotional battle one day (blame PMS and other aspects of life I don’t want to dig up). This made me feel anti-social, grouchy and abrasive. I got through it because my closest friend at work demanded that I have lunch with her. I told her no, but she insisted. “We have pizza,” she said. “And chocolates,” she added when I didn’t budge. I looked at her and smiled. “Okay, okay.” I felt much better after sitting with her and my other colleagues. We laughed and it eased the turmoil I was in that day. A good friend got me through it. She knew what was best for me at a time that I didn’t. That’s good friendship.
4. What is that one movie that made you cry your eyes out? The Bridges of Madison County — especially the scene when Francesca is holding on to the door handle.
5. Describe your favorite outfit that makes you feel oh-so-sexy :) A sleeveless black top, dark blue jeans, and heels.

Done! Now, do you want to be interviewed? Happy weekend!

0 comment on The Long-Running Interview Tag

  1. Aggie
    July 27, 2007 at 10:23 am (17 years ago)

    Oh Id like to get interviewed Toni!

  2. Toni
    July 27, 2007 at 10:53 am (17 years ago)


    1. What is your favorite sleeping position?
    2. If you were to come face to face with your four-year-old self, what would you tell her?
    3. Do you think you’d make a good spy? Why/why not?
    4. You are a piano. Who would you love to have tickle your ivories?
    5. Show us your favorite baby animal.

  3. ibyang
    July 27, 2007 at 1:49 pm (17 years ago)

    hi toni!
    please interview me Toni :)
    happy weekend!
    ibyang :)

  4. Toni
    July 27, 2007 at 2:14 pm (17 years ago)

    Sure Ibyang! Here are your questions:

    1. What is the best thing about being married?
    2. What were your academic achievements?
    3. If you were a kind of chocolate, what chocolate would you be?
    4. What is one thing you know now that you wish you had known at age 16?
    5. If you had super powers, would you be a hero or a sidekick? Tell us about your choice.

  5. Tinster
    July 27, 2007 at 5:36 pm (17 years ago)

    please interview me too, Toni! 😉

  6. Jerome aka Bridget Jones
    July 27, 2007 at 7:46 pm (17 years ago)

    oh my god, mare!!! i missed you and your sweet posts!!! i am back from the most un-fashionable, un-glamorous situation ever! (wails) read ka na lang, gurl…

  7. Toni
    July 28, 2007 at 12:11 am (17 years ago)

    a) Which of your senses is the strongest — smell, touch, sight, sound or taste?
    b) If you were to come face to face with your 21-year-old self, what would you tell her to start doing?
    c) How do you wear your hair?
    d) Tell us one weird thing about yourself.
    e) What movie can you watch again and again?

  8. hazel
    July 28, 2007 at 8:27 am (17 years ago)

    interesting, i’d take an interview too :)

  9. SexyMom
    July 29, 2007 at 2:50 am (17 years ago)

    oh my dear Toni, all the questions are interesting, and so are your answers. i, too, like Bridges very much!

  10. Christianne
    July 29, 2007 at 6:57 pm (17 years ago)

    I love the names you and H picked out for your future children.
    Interview me please, so that I can have something interesting to write about for once 😀

  11. ajay
    July 30, 2007 at 12:50 am (17 years ago)

    Happy birthday Tones. Wish you the best of everything, as it is slowly unfurling today. Hmm, ano kaya questions mo sa ken? :)

  12. tofubaby
    August 1, 2007 at 3:00 pm (17 years ago)

    Me too. Pls interview me. 😀


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