Prepare your clothes the night before


When I was still in school, I’d prepare my clothes the night before to save on time the following morning. After all, wouldn’t it be better to take in a couple more minutes of snooze time in place of the minutes  having to decide what to wear?

So by the closet door hung my uniform, undies, socks and school shoes. In the uniform pocket was my handkerchief. On my vanity table were the accessories I’d wear with it. Ready, set, go to school!

Image credit: Darwin Bell

Cut to Mommyhood. Mornings with the baby can be chaotic. Because of mid-morning feedings, I’d hit the snooze button more and end up frazzled when deciding what to wear. Sometimes the baby would feed so long that I’d lose closet time, so I’d just grab whatever looks decent together. Hurrah for neutrals. So I’ve rediscovered this old school habit when I went back a couple of weeks after maternity leave.

Preparing your clothes the night before is a chore you can easily handle ahead of time. The more things you prepare the night before, the easier your mornings will be. So by my closet door each night hang my office clothes, shoes, undies, and by the vanity are accessories, toiletries that I’ll use. No more “What do I wear today?” debate that costs me a lot of time.

The only thing I fight against? Feeling like wearing red in the morning when I’ve prepared a black-and-white ensemble the night before. Uh-oh. Maybe I should prepare a back-up ensemble when these things happen.

Have you ever prepared your clothes the night before? Does this help you ease into the mornings better?

13 Comments on Prepare your clothes the night before

  1. ibyang
    January 13, 2010 at 12:12 pm (14 years ago)

    preparing clothes and baon (for snack and lunch) and my bag and all other things i need to bring the following day is one of the habits i acquired when i was young. i also make it a point that i have everything i need in one area of the house. and yes, it’s easier that way and prevents me from forgetting anything and stress from just running around looking for stuff.
    .-= ibyang´s last blog ..Tweetmates in Sydney =-.

    Less stuff to think of in the morning right? 😀

  2. ibyang
    January 13, 2010 at 12:15 pm (14 years ago)

    i kinda missed something…i meant, i prepare everything the night before. in the mornings, go go go na lang :) no more preps. i never go to bed without having prepared my clothes and baon for the next day.
    .-= ibyang´s last blog ..Tweetmates in Sydney =-.

  3. ibyang
    January 13, 2010 at 12:15 pm (14 years ago)

    i kinda missed something…i meant, i prepare everything the night before. in the mornings, go go go na lang :) no more preps. i never go to bed without having prepared my clothes and baon for the next day.
    .-= ibyang´s last blog ..Tweetmates in Sydney =-.

  4. Shai Coggins
    January 13, 2010 at 1:55 pm (14 years ago)

    Yes, I do tend to prepare clothes the night before. One of the few advice from my mom that I actually took to heart. Heh.

    Most days, I even do it for the kids. But, only if we’ve got places to go. Not on weekends and such.

    Sometimes, even if I don’t take out the clothes physically, I make a mental note of what should be taken out the next day.

    Sounds dorky, I know. But, it works. When there are too many things to do in the day, it’s one less thing to think about. :-)
    .-= Shai Coggins´s last blog ..10 Things I Look Forward to in 2010 =-.

    Same on making a mental note! When I’m in bed, I visualize what I’ll wear the next day, going through my wardrobe in my head. 😀

  5. Anne
    January 13, 2010 at 2:03 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Toni! Motherhood had def made you a busy lady but nevertheless I know you are enjoying every second of it. To answer your question, yes I do! As a matter of fact I accustomed to doing this that up to now I still prepare my things the night before and I also have my outfits plan for the entire week or 2 weeks if given the chance. I love the feeling of knowing what I am going to wear without having the hassle of going through my chaotic closet.
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Monday Matter#3 Comment interaction game =-.

    Wow, 2 weeks in advance! Woohoo! I think I’d do that too except I don’t have that many clothes. Haha!

  6. Lissa
    January 14, 2010 at 7:51 am (14 years ago)

    Things are easier now that Connor’s 2 but I still have that “what should I wear?” debate in the morning. It would seriously help me out but I never do it!! Maybe this year I should vow to start.
    .-= Lissa´s last blog ..Feeling my age =-.

    Yup, give it a whirl! I’m doing this for Timmy too. I lay out his day clothes the night before. 😀

  7. eds
    January 14, 2010 at 7:57 am (14 years ago)

    yes, i prepare everything the night before especially if we really have to leave very early the following morning.
    .-= eds´s last blog new baby! =-.

    Early mornings can make us forgetful so great that we prepare stuff the night before!

  8. kambingbujang
    January 14, 2010 at 12:28 pm (14 years ago)

    i normally iron my office attire for the whole week on weekend so that i no need to scared of being late to iron clothes for work. Beside that, i do iron extra/back up clothes in case im not feeling to wear that particular clothes on that day.

    i also prepare the night before for my son things for baby sitter’s house. this make my life less hectic early morning
    .-= kambingbujang´s last blog ..My pregnancy diary : 22th weeks pregnant =-.

    Good for you!

  9. renin
    January 14, 2010 at 6:38 pm (14 years ago)

    I seldom prepare my clothes and other stuff the night before—I only do it when I have early call time (6AM call time)… ^_^
    .-= renin´s last blog ..The Tempest =-.

    I don’t do it everyday either! But most days, yes. It helps a lot in the mornings!

  10. Gene
    January 15, 2010 at 12:08 am (14 years ago)

    With clothes, no. I tend to depend my outfit with my mood when I wake up so it’s just useless for me. But I make sure is everything is in my bag the night before so I don’t forget important stuff like the ID, planner, pen, wallet, keys and other necessities.
    .-= Gene´s last blog ..Me, a Navigator? =-.

    The more things we prep for the morning, the easier it will be for us!

  11. jacqueline
    January 15, 2010 at 3:31 pm (14 years ago)

    I think, it is easier to prepare the clothes the night before you wear them when you are just wearing uniforms, because whatever mood you have in the morning, it would just be the uniforms that you’re gonna wear.

    now that we can wear various clothes for office, to me, it always ends up that whatever i prepare the night before won’t be worn in the morning… change of mood usually happens in the morning, at least for me… :)
    .-= jacqueline´s last blog ..Tito Joel =-.

    I understand about the change of mood thing. It happened to me again the other day!! Hahaha.

  12. Kay
    January 15, 2010 at 7:51 pm (14 years ago)

    Yes I did. I plan to start doing that again when I start work next week to save on time. =)
    .-= Kay´s last blog ..sick sick baby =-.

    Yey! Congratulations!

  13. abbee
    January 17, 2010 at 9:27 pm (14 years ago)

    LOL I really could care less now. But I’m working on it.
    .-= abbee´s last blog much left behind =-.



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