Love language in couples: What if it’s not the same?

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Love language

Love language: What do you do when your love language isn’t the same?

Each of us has our own way of expressing and receiving love. I’m beginning to see that in some of our arguments as husband and wife, it’s mostly rooted in not understanding each other’s love language. One of the ways I have learned to better understand my husband is realizing that our love language is not the same.
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Easy Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

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Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

This Cake Mix Cookies recipe is one of my all-time favorite recipes ever. It’s so simple to follow and the results are deliciously soft and moist cake mix cookies. Mmm!

I’m not big on baking, as I’m not too fond about how precise every measurement should be. I’m more the throw-it-in-the-pan-and-mix-it-up kind of cook. But last December, I wanted to try baking cookies. There were some failed attempts, but after several tries and various adaptations of other people’s recipes, I finally got the perfect Cake Mix Cookies recipe for our family. Here’s the recipe! :) Read more…

Here’s to a Kinder, Gentler New Year

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This is the wish I have for you too — a 2016 that’s gentler, kinder and more loving. We both know that that won’t start with the person next to you. It won’t start with your kid. It won’t start with your husband or your wife. It won’t start with your boss. It won’t start with your colleague. It won’t start with your teacher. It won’t start with your friend.

A gentler, kinder 2016 starts with a kinder, gentler you.

Here’s the thing though. A kinder, gentler you means being kind and gentle to yourself. Now that can be super hard. But it’s something you have to do for yourself. It means putting yourself first, not in a selfish way, but in a loving way. Because how can you take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself? How can you be kind and gentle to others if you’re short on kindness and gentleness to yourself?  Read more…

Holiday Movie Night

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Whatever movie we watch, we always make sure we are in cozy movie night mode! The best part about movie nights is getting to snuggle up in bed with my family. Holiday movie night will be the same! The bedroom lights will be dimmed. Our pillows will surround us, making us feel like we’re in a nest. We’ll all share one blanket to keep us warm and toasty. We’d be in our favorite PJs. Casper sent me a personalize holiday movie night essentials checklist, which includes my holiday movie of choice for this week! Read more…

Instagram Husband: Hilarious and Kinda True

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A screenshot from the satire "The Instagram Husband".

“We used to eat our food. Now we just take pictures of it.” — Instagram Husband

Instagram Husband is one of the funniest videos trending. It features the comedic (and true!) gripes and woes of husbands who silently support their partners’ desires to get the perfect Instagram shot, even if it means holding the camera till their arms hurt, removing apps off their phone to make room for more photos, or waiting for a long time till the perfect food shot is taken.

And yep, I could totally relate to it. (I haven’t asked my husband yet.) Read more…

Hallmark Christmas Gifts

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This Hallmark Christmas gift wrap pad is a very organized way to get started on your giftwrapping!

Hallmark is a brand I immediately associate with greeting cards. Their tagline used to go “When you care enough to send your very best.” :) But more than just greeting cards, Hallmark is a gifting brand. During my Christmas preparations this year, I got to experience the joy of a Hallmark Christmas from gift-wrapping to the gift itself! Here’s what I’ve been loving so far about my Hallmark Christmas gifting. Read more…

Make It Blissful with Luminisce

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Make it blissful. A blissful sisterhood is a group of women who inspire and encourage one another, who share the love for pursuing joy and their passions. Two weeks ago, my sisters in bliss and I met up for an intimate gathering. It was great seeing my fellow Make It Blissful contributors again. As soon as one woman entered the restaurant, hugs were shared, kisses exchanged. There was so much love that afternoon. Read more…

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