Nicole and Jimmy: What’s YOUR Almost-Love Story?


Nicole and Jimmy = Ah, what could have been! 😛 Jimmy Fallon’s interview with Nicole Kidman has garnered over 15 million views on Youtube. It’s one of the most amusing talk show interviews I’ve ever seen. In a nutshell, Jimmy Fallon learns that he blew a chance to date Nicole Kidman years ago. He thought they were meeting to talk about a movie role. Nicole Kidman shared he didn’t seem to be giving off signals that he was interested and even put on a video game when she came over to his apartment. And well, watch the video! It’s a fun 9 minutes. Watch it till the end. :)

My favorite interview moments: When Jimmy Fallon puts a finger to his lips and falls off his seat when the video game bit is brought up. Jimmy’s reaction to Nicole thinking he was gay. Their not letting go of the topic even when they were talking about Nicole’s new movie Paddington. So cute!

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The “Wait… what?” face of Jimmy.

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The moment when Nicole brings up the video game moment.

Nicole and Jimmy
When Jimmy learns Nicole’s thought balloon that time was “He has no interest.”

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This pretty much sums up what Jimmy seems to have felt the whole time.

I watch this interview over and over because it’s just so hilarious. Talked about a missed connection! Nicole and Jimmy… it was an almost-love story. Two lessons here: (1) Ladies, sometimes you have to be more explicit about showing interest in a guy for them to know you like them. (2) Guys, no video games in the presence of lady friends please (unless the reason why you two are hanging out is because of a video game). :)


It’s funny how you can create connections with a lot of people and probably miss the same opportunity to connect with others. As Nicole said, “Anyway, we weren’t meant to be!” To which Jimmy said, “Wow did you make a good decision.” Hahaha! Such good laughs.

The exchange made me think about my own missed connections. Hmmm… crazy! I also thought about what would have happened if I had missed connecting with my husband way back when.

2002. The very first memory I have of meeting my husband was that we were on a bus. It was a company outing, and it was my second day at the ad agency. We chatted briefly about cellphones. That was it. Then we worked together on the same account — he was on the Creative team, I was on the Strategic Planning team. Over time, we became close until we officially became a couple. I knew my husband was “The One” (cheesy but true) a few weeks after we met. But what if we hadn’t worked on the same account — would we have built the same close relationship? What if I hadn’t met him on the bus — would we have still have connected during work? Worst of all, what if I hadn’t moved agencies — would I still have met him? I’m glad our story isn’t an almost-love story. We’re celebrating 12 years of marriage this year!


Do YOU have an almost-love story? Tell me about it. I’ll try to think of my own too to share with you. 😛 Let’s giggle like schoolgirls and swoon over love. Then let’s watch the Nicole and Jimmy video again and speculate about what could’ve been. 😉

2 Comments on Nicole and Jimmy: What’s YOUR Almost-Love Story?

  1. A Gracious Life
    January 11, 2015 at 10:59 am (10 years ago)

    Ohhh, thanks for sharing this Toni! Grabe, laughed my heart out. Adorable! …but Keith Urban is cool and sexy so I guess! Life’s interesting nuances, really magical!
    A Gracious Life´s last blog post ..Commune at Cannery Row

    • Toni
      January 11, 2015 at 7:04 pm (10 years ago)

      Funny ‘no! :) I haven’t gotten tired of watching it yet 😀


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