It’s A Wife’s Life Blog Carnival Round-up (Third Edition)


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Welcome to the third edition of It’s A Wife’s Life! Thank you to everyone who joined this carnival!

Ibyang presents Long Weekend Treats posted at A Wife’s Charmed Life, saying, “Long weekends are always a blessing! With the help of a balanced schedule, a wife and home manager like me can make the most of what a family can do with a 3-day weekend.”

Nesher presents What are chances your marriage survives your menopause? posted at All about Menopause saying “Over 60 percent of divorces are initiated by women in their 40s, 50s or 60s — the menopause years — according to a recent survey conducted by AARP Magazine. Kate Vetrano, chair of the ABA’s Elder Law Committee, commented this statistical data: ‘They’re shedding their marriages in the quest for happiness.'”

Heather Gauthier presents About Me posted at Creative Devolution saying “At the age of 21, I married the Dark Knight.”

Melanie Grant presents Do you love him like this? posted at Mel’s Mouthful on Mothering saying “Do you love him like this? Oh yes, he needs it and he definitely wants it! He wants to know that you love him, adore him and that your heart is overflowing. Yes even if you have been married for 40 years and “he should know it by now”.

Melanie Grant shares another entry entitled Never Quit saying, “I am married to an amazing man. He was God’s perfect choice for me. God spoke clearly and directly to me and said “This is the one.” But just because God says he’s the one doesn’t mean that marriage is any easier. We face the same trials as everyone else and then some. Knowing is not the same as being.”

Daniela presents How to Discourage Materialism in Children posted at Natural Papa sharing “Tips from a mom on how to discourage materialism, for dads (and wifes) everywhere.”

Zhu presents The United Nations At Home posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying, “At times, at home, it feels like a United Nations Secu­rity Coun­cil. France and China. We are per­ma­nent mem­bers with the power to veto deci­sions made by another mem­ber. Like “no more Chi­nese food for a while, I can’t take any more white rice!” and “pasta with four cheese sauce with parme­san on top, really?” Good thing we are liv­ing in neu­tral territory—Canada.”

Beth Blair presents My Flight Attendant Career? Back after Seven Years posted at The Vacation Gals, sharing “Thoughts on returning to work part time once the kids are in school.”

Josanne Anthony presents Is Submission In Marriage Slavery? Part 1 posted at Just Josanne, sharing “Part 1 of the false idea that Christian wives are inferior and slaves.”

A. Fine Gal presents My Household Binder: The Basics posted at A. Fine Gal… Schoolteacher, Wife, and Daughter of Christ, saying, “The basic idea of a household notebook, if you haven’t heard of this before, is simply a place to keep the key information and lists you need for your home.”

Newlywed Survival presents Saving Money as Newlyweds – Creating a Budget posted at Newlywed Survival, saying, “Money is an ongoing issue in most marriages. Creating a budget can help cool this hot topic.”

Wifely Steps Guest Bloggers

Tintin a.k.a. Pinayhekmi presents her own wifely steps saying, ” Love is also an action verb that requires work. At one point in your marriage, you may need to re-learn to love your partner. That’s just part of being in a relationship.”

Cess presents Reading Glasses saying, “I just couldn’t believe that the term “old age” would be used to describe what’s happening to us right now. I don’t feel old. He doesn’t feel old.”


That concludes this edition. Share the love by visiting the beautiful and insightful reflections of our blog carnival participants!

Submit your blog article to the next edition of It’s A Wife’s Life using our carnival submission form, or leave a link to your post in the comments section. The next issue of It’s A Wife’s Life will be out on November 15th, so submit your entry by the 12th!

See you next round!

2 Comments on It’s A Wife’s Life Blog Carnival Round-up (Third Edition)

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