Writing Again: A Way Back Home


Sunday morning. Writing again.
This Writer’s Life: Family inspiration all around me, my tea and my laptop.

I missed writing. I missed the excitement of pitching topics, the thrill of being assigned topics I pitched for, the challenge of approaching topics unfamiliar to me. After LEAP, I began reassessing how I was nurturing myself. A typical day for me would be majority work then spending quality time with my husband and son upon coming home. There are little moments when I’d get to blog, take an extra long shower or catch up on my reading. Those alone times are much-cherished, and I still get to do them regularly.

But I wanted to stretch myself more. What else could I do that was comfort to my soul and could still challenge me, outside of work and family life? That’s when I began to realize how much I missed writing. I used to contribute to different online publications, one of them being The Philippine Online Chronicles. I stopped in 2012 when my workload as a then-work-at-home-Mom became too heavy. Having reconnected with my former editor recently, I took a chance and asked her how I could apply for a contributor’s role again.

In two weeks’ time, I had my contract, assigned topics to various channels and deadlines. Wow! Sometimes all you really have to do is ask. I was super thrilled. My husband gently asked me if I could still juggle being a features writer with my day job and all the family time. I simply smiled and said, “I can do this.” Because I know I can.

I know when I’ve taken on too much, and this writing job was just what my heart and soul needed. Writing is one of the few activities I find true happiness in.

The Art of Meaningful Gifting photo TheArtofMeaningfulGifting_zpsf0dba371.jpg
Burning the midnight oil with the usual suspects:
my laptop, my idea notebook, a pen, my writing lamp and coffee in my favorite mug.

This experience has validated one true thing for me — I am a writer at heart.

Last night, I got reacquainted with the late evening, my coffee for writing fuel, my yellow notebook filled with ideas for the articles I was finishing up, and my laptop. My family was fast asleep. It was just me, my writing and the midnight hour.

I was writing again.

I felt like I was truly home.

7 Comments on Writing Again: A Way Back Home

    • Toni
      November 3, 2014 at 8:56 am (10 years ago)

      Writing is a wonderful thing! <3

  1. Chrissie
    November 5, 2014 at 2:58 am (10 years ago)

    You go, Toni! I admire how you’re able to juggle everything. I hope I can follow in your footsteps when I go back to the workforce.
    Chrissie´s last blog post ..#KitchenSizzles Book Tour Winners

    • Toni
      November 5, 2014 at 9:06 am (10 years ago)

      You’re already juggling things, Chrissie! We’re all doing the best we can in our own ways. <3

  2. Coach Rye
    November 17, 2014 at 5:40 pm (10 years ago)

    I miss writing too… I have a couple of items in my DRAFTS folder but they all just end up staying there until they are no longer relevant.

    I really need to find time for them!

    • Toni
      December 9, 2014 at 1:00 am (10 years ago)

      Go publish them, Rye! :)

  3. Coach Rye
    November 17, 2014 at 5:43 pm (10 years ago)

    I miss writing too… I have a couple of items in my DRAFTS folder but they all just end up staying there until they are no longer relevant.

    I really need to find time for them!!
    Coach Rye´s last blog post ..For Aspiring Coaches


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