Wishful thinking, quick I Love You’s


I wish I could prepare my son’s lunchbox everyday.

I wish I could prepare my son's lunchbox everyday.

He can’t really read yet but he knows how to read “Timmy” and “Mommy”, and now “I love you!”. Those are all the words that matter when it comes to quick notes squeezed in between packed snacks.

6 Comments on Wishful thinking, quick I Love You’s

  1. Kathy Ngo
    January 15, 2014 at 7:44 am (11 years ago)

    I haven’t done this for B but when I am at home and he’s off to school, I try to make it a point though to wake up and be there for him until his service picks him up. I make sure to give him a hug and tell him I love him.
    Kathy Ngo´s last blog post ..Instructions For A Bad Day

    • Toni
      January 30, 2014 at 5:53 pm (10 years ago)

      These little moments mean the world to our kids! :)

  2. Ma. Teresa Grech Quiatchon Racal
    January 15, 2014 at 3:20 pm (11 years ago)

    I show and tell my girls how much I love them by: with my 2 older girls, during breakfast, I make sure that I seat with them and have good conversations and before they leave the house, I usually tell them TO LISTEN TO THEIR TEACHERS AND HAVE A GREAT DAY… with my youngest naman, I usually greet her with GOOD MORNING BABY KO!!! hahaha! And at night I tell my girls I love them…
    Ma. Teresa Grech Quiatchon Racal´s last blog post ..A Different Christmas

    • Toni
      January 30, 2014 at 5:45 pm (10 years ago)

      So sweet. Your daughters will remember that forever and ever. <3

  3. Patty | MrsC
    February 3, 2014 at 10:03 am (10 years ago)

    I pack Tristan and MrC’s lunchboxes every day. I try to sneak in a quick note on special days, but I think from now on I’ll start doing it on random ordinary days, too. :) Thanks for the idea, Toni! I know that our loved ones really appreciate little gestures like this.
    Patty | MrsC´s last blog post ..Back in Las Casas, and This Time I’m Blogging About It!

    • Toni
      February 6, 2014 at 5:58 am (10 years ago)

      Yeah random days para surprise! :)


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