Posts Tagged ‘motherhood’

January Stories

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It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. It’s mostly been because I’ve been incredibly busy at work, and partly because I ran out of blogging steam for a little while. I’ve got a whole bunch of topics I want to blog about (with these topics written down in my planner, believe me), but right now, I just want to write about random stuff about my January. Maybe somewhere in my stories you’ll find a nugget or two that connects with you. If there is one, let me know what it is! Read more…

Stories beyond the beach cottage

by | Posted in Motherhood, Thoughts | 2 Comments
Know what you want and pursue it wholeheartedly.

It’s been quiet on the blog. I feel like it’s a deserted vacation home! There’s a film of dust on the patio furniture and the bedrooms have to be aired out. But I’ve got my weekend bag with me, and I’m here to liven up this little beach cottage. Let me tell you what I’ve been up to the past weeks! Imagine us catching up over a spread of lightly toasted goat cheese on slices of toasted bread (a snack I’ve been craving for several days now). We’ve got free-flowing tea and orange juice to quench your toast. We’ll save the wine for later. 😉 Read more…

Waking Up Together

by | Posted in Family Time, Motherhood, Timmy says, Working Mom | 6 Comments

Waking up together would be lovely. Can a working Mom handle it? It’s all about perspective. After spending 4 days at home with my 4-year-old (stayed home on Friday to care for my sick son, then there was the weekend, and then a replacement leave for Monday), it was time for me to go back […] Read more…

The Beauty of Surrender

by | Posted in Reflections, Thoughts | 0 comment

This first appeared on Make It Blissful. Sharing it with the Wifely Steps community too. Control is present in our days more than we think. There’s the to-do list, a calendar of activities, even the clothes laid out the night before. Planning gives me a structure to my day which, truthfully, keeps me sane. That’s […] Read more…

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