Archive of ‘Parenting’ category

Raising a Compassionate Child

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Raising a compassionate child

I worked from home a few weeks ago because my son was sick. That morning, while I was on my laptop, my 5-year-old suddenly sprang up from the couch and began running. “Where are you going?!,” I asked, worried. “To the kitchen!,” he replied. “I’m going to make Mommy coffee!” And HE was the sick one!

I look at Timmy and wonder, “What have we been doing that made him so compassionate?” Several things come to mind on how to raise a compassionate child. Read more…

Parenting in Progress

by | Posted in Family Time, Motherhood, Parenting, Working Mom | 8 Comments
Parenting in Progress

There are times when I wonder if I’m a good enough parent. I’m not around as much as I want to, and when I am around, I’m not always “present” present. Distractions still get the better of me, and I’m left at the end of the day kicking myself in the shins because it could have turned out better. Then after self-pity mode, I get myself together and embrace what’s there before me — there’s still time to do things better, time to make time. Read more…

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