Quiet Moments with God in the Bathroom


My Blissmaker friend Maricel recently blogged about her Quiet Moments with God. Her piece inspired me to think about my own quiet moments with God. What immediately came to mind was how the best quiet moments I’ve had with Him have been in our bathroom.


Conversations with God in the Bathroom


I would be praying to Him when a jolt of inspiration would suddenly hit me.

While using my hair dryer.

While taking a shower.

While washing my hands.

While brushing my teeth.

While looking at myself in the mirror.

God would give me one-liners that would send shivers down my arms and make me weak in the knees.

“Pray for him.”

“Always come from love.”

“It’s okay to be vulnerable.”

“Nurture yourself.”

“You are a responsible, compassionate, confident woman.”

These one-line answers to my prayers have made me cry with gratitude. These simple answers helped me shift and go out of the bathroom physically, emotionally, spiritually refreshed.


Conversations with God in the Bathroom

Why the bathroom?

Quiet moments. Quiet time. Bathroom time is the only time I have most days to fully take care of myself. Because I try to shed my to-do list from my mind when I’m in the bathroom, there’s more emotional space for me to take a deep breath, relax, and just BE.

It is in this relaxing that I find quiet moments to reflect and say my prayers.

While feeling my body adjust to the warm spray of the shower.

While lathering up with my favorite body wash.

While washing my face after a long day.

While putting on my favorite body oil.

While styling my hair dry.

It is a sacred moment for nurturing myself, a sacred moment for saying quiet prayers.

It is in this Quiet when I can fully give in to the rush of thoughts in my head, when my thoughts — slowly, carefully — fall into place, like puzzle pieces finally finding their right partners, fiting in perfectly, quietly.

Then I understand what He’s saying.

Those one-line answers come when I’ve emptied my mind, when I’ve given in to the quiet.

My bathroom. My sacred space. This is where I have my best quiet moments with God.


Is your bathroom time sacred for you too? When are your quiet moments with God? Do you have quiet moments with God in the bathroom as well? 


6 Comments on Quiet Moments with God in the Bathroom

  1. Maricel
    October 21, 2015 at 11:17 pm (9 years ago)

    Wonderful post Toni! I agree that God talks to us anywhere and everywhere. When we are in the bathroom, it truly is one of the most quiet time of the day! It is actually a “me time” for moms! hehe! I also use this time to talk to God and be thankful when I am taking a shower. I just use the duration of my bath time to thank Him for all that He gave and continues to give. Thank you for the inspiration!:-)

    • Toni
      October 26, 2015 at 3:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you again for the inspiration, Maricel!

  2. Ays
    October 23, 2015 at 10:10 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Toni! Now that I’m a mom, I find that the bathroom has become my sanctuary. It’s there I’m able to think clearly and sort out my thoughts. I like to think that whatever decisions, however minor it is, that I make in that brief span of time, is God’s way of helping me out.
    Ays´s last blog post ..Katie is One Month Old!

    • Toni
      October 26, 2015 at 3:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Happy we both share this same experience! Let’s take time then to prettify our sanctuary up shall we? :) I’ll be doing that as a project real soon!

  3. ceemee
    November 1, 2015 at 11:12 am (9 years ago)

    My latest post is about the bathroom, too, more specifically bath time. One liners also come to me when I’m alone in the bathroom. It’s where inspiration strikes. Maybe I need to put a notebook in there, because I often forget them. :-)
    ceemee´s last blog post ..Why I Love Bath Time, Cymplified!

    • Toni
      November 2, 2015 at 2:37 pm (9 years ago)

      A waterproof pen and notebook! :)


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