Archive of ‘Beyond’ category

Thanks and see you… later :)

by | Posted in Beyond, Thoughts | 29 Comments

  This is a thank you note for all those who’ve been subscribing to this blog, those who’ve grown with this blog, those who continue to land on this blog via Google (who knew my recipe for Bagiuo Petchay with Squid Balls would be a top post?), those who continue to ask me about it. […] Read more…

Just Keep Reading

by | Posted in Beyond, Good Reads | 2 Comments
My one-year-old bookworm. One of my favorite pictures of my son.

There’s one thing I don’t deny my son of — reading time. I can deny him of snacks (“Enough chocolate for the day!”), of toys (“You have enough Cars characters already.”). But when it comes to books, I find it very hard to say no. Read more…

Quiet Moments with God in the Bathroom

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Conversations with God in the Bathroom

Quiet moments. Quiet time. Bathroom time is the only time I have most days to fully take care of myself. Because I try to shed my to-do list from my mind when I’m in the bathroom, there’s more emotional space for me to take a deep breath, relax, and just BE.

It is in this relaxing that I find quiet moments to reflect and say my prayers. It is in these quiet moments, in the bathroom, when I find answers from God. Read more…

Walking on Stars

by | Posted in Beyond, Good Reads, Motherhood, Working Mom | 4 Comments
Walking on Stars

Slowly, I’m beginning to feel “normal” again. Normal in the sense that I get to be happy with different parts of my life. The funk I was in was really draining and disheartening. But now I can say I’m walking on stars again — moving towards something lovely, bigger and more promising, and happy while on that journey. Read more…

Beach Cottage Love

by | Posted in Around the Home, Beyond | 2 Comments

This has GOT to be my favorite home featured on Houzz. I can totally imagine living here. Beachy, coastal, casual, cozy — I love it. My Houzz: Casual Comfort on the Coast To avoid getting overwhelmed by work, I go “home-hopping” online. This Long Beach family home tour was just what I needed today. Don’t […] Read more…