It’s great to be a WAHM!


I’m a Windows girl. Yup. I admit it. I’ve been a PC girl my whole life and I don’t think that will change anytime soon. I’m happy with my Acer laptop, my Windows 7 and Microsoft Powerpoint. I have a Ph.D. in Microsoft Powerpoint. Seriously. Go ask my boss!

Morning essentials
My three morning essentials: Coffee, pastry and my laptop

Microsoft products have made my life as a WAHM (work-at-home-Mom) a lot easier. My laptop and I are inseparable, whether at home or when I’m working at a virtual office (a.k.a. a coffee shop with no kids running around). Windows is a huge part of family life — from organizing documents to entertaining my kid. Office has been integral in helping manage my professional life – from freelance writing to consulting. I’m a bit OC (obsessive-compulsive) with the way I file my documents and prepare my presentations, so I think I’ve met my match with Office. I personally believe their technology can be empowering and is a great vehicle for channelling creativity. The greatest thing about it also is that it’s not that hard to learn :) That makes for better productivity and faster output. I get to spend more time with the baby. Yey!

Toddler watching videos
My toddler watching family videos on my laptop

If you too have been looking for a vehicle that can help you manage your work load at the same time keep you entertained and connected, then now is a great time to buy a PC for you and the whole family!

I think it’s a great time to flex more WAHM muscle with a new Windows 7 PC. :) Go ahead and try it yourself.

*This is a sponsored post.

7 Comments on It’s great to be a WAHM!

  1. Nyree
    January 13, 2012 at 2:55 pm (13 years ago)

    I’m a Windows girl too Toni! Last year I had this obsession about Apple and Mac but for some reason it fizzled out. I guess the cost of replacements when an apple product gets broken scared that obsession out of me.
    Nyree´s last blog post ..5 Tips for Achieving Your Organization Goals

  2. Toni
    January 13, 2012 at 3:01 pm (13 years ago)

    Nyree: Yey! I want to jazz up nga my Windows eh pero I’m trying to learn how pa. Masaya na kasi ako sa Powerpoint and Word. 😛

  3. Massa P aka fruityoaty
    January 15, 2012 at 6:45 am (13 years ago)

    I like Windows… but I’m a software tester (I test software quality/functionality) so I’m pretty much OK with any operating system and all sorts of browsers.

    I like the Mac OS, but I’ve never really understood that whole Apple cult and the need to buy the latest Apple products just to look ‘cool’. If the product is good and it feeds my needs (price, being an important consideration), then yeah… I’ll go for it.

    Just dropping by to say hello… :)
    Massa P aka fruityoaty´s last blog post ..Reflections of Cat Power – King Rides By (Manny Pacquiao Video)

  4. sheng
    January 15, 2012 at 6:50 am (13 years ago)

    That cover of your lappy, very cool! I want one. I am also a Windows girl. Nothing can compare. But unlike you, I’m really not a good Powerpoint creator. In fact, I suck at Excel too. But then again, I just do Word naman eh, so I think that’s more like it for now.
    sheng´s last blog post ..Let’s Talk Morbid

  5. Rye
    January 28, 2012 at 3:14 pm (13 years ago)

    I used to be a Windows-only user but my brother offered me a real good deal on his Mac Book Pro and I could not resist so I grabbed it.

    I have not moved completely to the other side but enjoy both technologies… and just use the one that best fits my need at the moment. Image and video-editing are great on my Mac… but Windows still give me more flexibility in running some power tools I need as a certified geek. Hahaha. As fruityoaty mentioned, it is actually useful in my profession as software tester to be familiar with a variety of operating systems.
    Rye´s last blog post ..Foodie Freak: Yakitori Kitchen (Burgos Circle)

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    May 23, 2012 at 5:53 pm (12 years ago)

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