Good morning?


My biggest enemy in the morning is my alarm clock. So far, it has won the many battles we’ve had. I’d wake up to my Pucca alarm clock blaring out a melody similar “Under the Sea.” I’d reach over and press the little button on her head and she’d go, “Good morning!”. Cute ‘no? Not at 6 am. I say she always wins because she doesn’t have a snooze button, hence I oversleep most of the time. Bad Pucca. 😛

I’ve also started using my cell phone as a fallback alarm clock. The great thing is I can put a little note when the alarm rings. So at 6 am I not only wake up to a “Cock-a-doodle-doo” rooster sound, I also see a message I’ve written the night before that threatens me to get up ASAP: “WAKE UP NOW. Fix breakfast. Fix bag. Take a bath. Many things to do. Traffic. You will be late for work. WAKE UP NOW.”

Am I turning cuckoo? Nah. I just want to jolt myself enough to resist going back to dreamland. Does this double alarm clock work? Sometimes.

What do you do to get yourself out of bed in the morning? I sure need help! Can you tell I’m not a morning person?

0 comment on Good morning?

  1. jojo
    June 2, 2005 at 1:28 pm (19 years ago)

    i’m a morning person, so i’m not sure if i can help you 😉 my motivation for waking up early is NO TRAFFIC and LESS PEOPLE in the office. Pag marami na kasing tao sa office, natataranta ako. by being at work early, i can start on my own pace 😉

    good luck…and there’s always flexi-time!

  2. justice
    June 2, 2005 at 6:54 pm (19 years ago)

    am also not a morning person and A, can attest to that…but siyempre, if you have kids–no choice ako! usually tuloy, am grumpy in the mornings (bad me) hehe

    the best way to get me off that bed is, let C3 straddle my neck with his full diaper, bah!—you wanna borrow him? hehe

  3. buttgirl
    June 2, 2005 at 7:41 pm (19 years ago)

    Hi Toni… i’ve been following your blog for a while now and i’m quite familiar with your “fondness” for Bo. couldn’t resist posting this here. it’s an article from the tvguide here in the US. i thought you’d like it. it’s a bit lengthy though. i couldn’t find a link where i can email this that’s why i just posted it here. enjoy!

    Idol’s Bo Says No to Makeover
    by Angel Cohn

    Sure, Bo Bice technically lost American Idol’s title to country girl Carrie Underwood last week. Still, she isn’t America’s only Southern sweetheart; Bo has scores of boosters, too, including us! When got the 29-year-old Alabaman on the phone for a post-Idol debriefing, the poor dear sounded as if he’d just woken from a much-needed nap. Maybe his whirlwind week had caught up to Bo, but we couldn’t let the runner-up rocker’s exhaustion keep us from quizzing him. When can your fans expect an album?
    Bo Bice: Not too long. Should be out soon, hopefully. I’m still in the dark about it… haven’t found anything out about it. But as soon as I know, you guys will know.

    TVG: Will we get to hear you play guitar?
    Bice: Oh, yeah. Without a doubt.

    TVG: Was it hard to perform without an instrument on Idol, since you’re so accustomed to playing guitar on stage?
    Bice: It took a little bit of getting used to, just having a mic and mic stand. [Yawns] Excuse me. But like anything else in this business, you adapt, move on and make the show better.

    TVG: Were you surprised by America’s response to you?
    Bice: Without a doubt. I wasn’t expecting people to really take to someone like me, just for the fact that I am not the mold of what American Idol is about. I am very grateful that people took time to get to know me and grateful to the fans who voted for me because without them, I wouldn’t be here.

    TVG: What were you thinking when you initially tried out for Idol?
    Bice: It was all a joke. It was a bet between me and my mom, and it just got way out of hand.

    TVG: No doubt she’s happy about that!
    Bice: Sure she is, and obviously, I’m happy.

    TVG: Heading into the finale, did you think you’d win?
    Bice: I think Carrie’s the best one for this. She did a great job. America chose her and I wish her the best of luck. I know she’s going to have a great career, and she knows that I love her to bits. I’m proud of her, and proud of all the people who voted for me. There was no loser. I’ve got everything that I ever wanted and I am very happy to be where I am today. There is not a bothered bone in my body right now.

    TVG: What was it like performing with Lynyrd Skynyrd?
    Bice: It was one of the most honorable moments of my life. I looked up to the guys in Skynyrd my whole life. They didn’t just live the rock-and-roll life, they wrote the book on it. I’m honored just to get to stand in the shoes of the late Ronnie Van Zant who is one of my favorite all-time songwriters and, to be honest, just one of my favorite all-time Southern gentlemen. If I could be like anybody out there, it would be like Ronnie. He would always treat people like they wanted to be treated, and you never had to ask him what was on his mind because he would tell you. The opportunity to meet them was great. To perform with them was… beyond words.

    TVG: Your past drug charges came up in the news during the competition. How were you able to ignore all that and still perform?
    Bice: Because I really don’t care. If you take a good hour and look into any person’s past, they’ve got something that they are not quite proud of. Everybody has got skeletons. Fortunately, I don’t really care if people know about mine. Every mistake I made got me to the point where I am today. I am honest with people and I tell them the things that I want them to know. I don’t feel like there is any other way to be. Every good day and bad day has led to this day. I’m grateful for every mistake that I made.

    TVG: Are you prepared to tour stadiums full of thousands of screaming fans?
    Bice: Man, I’ve played bigger gigs in front of 10,000 people before, just obviously not an every-night thing. I’m appreciative of it whether there are two people in the audience or 20,000. It’s just a little bit easier when you are out there with a huge group because when you’re playing for 30 people, you’re wondering, “How many of these people are really digging me? Do I have three or a whole bunch?” But playing for 15,000, it’s like, “At least 500 of these cats like me.”

    TVG: What about the rest who don’t?
    Bice: You just try to win them over. What you see is what you get from me. If you want to come hang out and eat some barbecue and drink some Heineken and pet my dog, that’s cool, man. If you want to sit and talk about fishing, that’s cool, man. I’m here to get in touch with the real fans who are in the trenches with us. The people who pay anywhere from 15 to 100 bucks just to see our ugly faces. Or at least my ugly face, because Carrie and the rest of the girls are beautiful. It’ll be a good tour, but I’d have to muster up some strength to buy a ticket with my face on it.

    TVG: There are quite a few female fans who’d disagree with that.
    Bice: Aw, shucks.

    TVG: What did you think of the “rocker” competition between you and Constantine?
    Bice: He and I are friends; we were roommates for a while. They tried to play us off against each other. We stay so busy and we’re locked in a cocoon. I don’t check message boards or anything like that. You are focused on doing your job; that’s the most important thing. Anything I got out of this was winning something. The only thing I was trying to get was better gigs around town where I live!

    TVG: Did you fight to keep your long hair and the beard?
    Bice: I wouldn’t really call it a fight. This is who I am, and I want the people who are going to buy my album to know they are getting the genuine product. I gave the hair and makeup team a lot of fuss. I did have to stick to my guns. The management would come up to me and say, “Did you go to hair and makeup?” “Yeah, man, I was in there 20 minutes.” They finally figured out I was just sitting in there talking and then I’d split. That’s when they went with the flat-ironing. But they were great — and they helped me get my frizz out. Mostly, it was just pranks between [me and the makeup people].

    TVG: What sort of pranks?
    Bice: One day, I took all their hair-spray bottles and super-glued them together. I took hair paste and put it all over their phones in the dressing room, so when they answered, they’d get it all over their ears. It was awful, because my two favorite people to pull jokes on were the hair and makeup people and Anthony Fedorov.

    TVG: Anthony seems like an easy target.
    Bice: I cellophaned his toilet on his birthday. I sent him a dozen roses from Carrie Underwood [with a card] saying, “I can’t wait ’til our love blossoms.” All these mean, cruel things that you have to be a real twisted, sick person to get any kind of gratification or enjoyment out of. Apparently, I’m that person, but I love it. I know their little minds are planning how to get Bo back.

    TVG: I’d be careful on tour if I were you.
    Bice: I am making sure that I do not sit on any toilet seats without checking. I’d end up super-glued to cellophane to a toilet seat.

  4. Yupki
    June 2, 2005 at 8:34 pm (19 years ago)

    Hey Toni — the thought that my boss might already be there when I get to the office is enough to send me running to the bathroom for a shower. Parang Manic Monday lagi ang araw ko.

    Or you can set your clock half an hour earlier para pag nag alarm, you still have time to snooze. Yun nga lang, you might be too confident that the time is advanced anyway so you can afford to take your time.

  5. Kat
    June 2, 2005 at 9:34 pm (19 years ago)

    Hi Toni, I really liked your “Mining the Blogging World” post. It’s straight to the point and tells it like it is.

    As for waking up early, I’m not a morning person myself. I can hardly bear to talk to anyone before I’ve had coffee. I wake up at 7:10 am Mon-Fri. I make sure I’m asleep at midnight. I think you should find how many hours of sleep you are most comfortable with and work from there. Mine is 7. I’m not a ‘sleeping-in’ type of person (unless I was out on a crazy hour the night before). Also, change your alarm clock to be about 2 minutes early. Little things help.

  6. Jo
    June 3, 2005 at 3:03 am (19 years ago)

    Hi Toni, I’m not a morning person either, but with kids and school days I really don’t have a choice. Sometimes I literally drag myself out of bed thinking that I can always take a nap once the kids are in school… :-) But on weekends, I never wake up before 10am (unless I have to be somewhere else)…

  7. Renee
    June 3, 2005 at 5:33 am (19 years ago)

    Hi Toni.

    I can still enjoy waking up late now, while Lance is still in Kindergarten. He doesn’t have to be at the Bus Stop until 11:00 AM. That will change drastically come August, when he becomes a first-grader. THEN he will have to be at the bus stop by 7:55 AM. Yikes!

    I also find that I am my worst enemy. I am a night-owl in the worst possible way. I also find that I blog best late at night, so I think it would be safe to say that in the nxt few months, my blogging will suffer until I get used to my new schedule!

  8. missyosigirl
    June 3, 2005 at 5:50 am (19 years ago)

    before i was a morning person: i could wake up early in the morning to study or prepare something or just surf the net.

    i don’t know why but nowadays i’m having a hard time waking up. i set my alarm to 5am, but i usually get off the bed around 5:45 =s

  9. denden
    June 3, 2005 at 8:29 am (19 years ago)

    hi toni! i also find it really hard to get up in the morning. i have one alarm clock and two mobile phones to wake me up. hehe.

    i set one of them half an hour early, it’s weird but somehow knowing that i have 30 mins extra sleep makes me feel better.

    why don’t u try it? hehe. also, place your alarm clock in a place where you have to walk in order to switch it off. this will stop you from hitting it and going back to sleep :) good luck!

  10. notsquare
    June 3, 2005 at 9:24 am (19 years ago)

    naku, i’m a morning perosn. i’m up by 5:30am, take a really refreshing cool shower, have breakfast and head to work! :)

    usually it helps that you love what youre going to do for the day… :)

  11. Dr. Emer
    June 3, 2005 at 10:51 am (19 years ago)

    Aaah….waking up. That is also one of my biggest problems. I love sleeping so much. I like your new template. :) I think that besides being a great writer, you are also a humble HTML and CSS wizard. Turuan mo naman ako. :)

    I got three alarm clocks plus the cellphone like you. I wish they can invent an alarm clock which pours/splashes cold water on you to wake you up. That’s the only stuff that can make me spring up from my deep slumber. 😉

    Pahabol- Meron akong new diet tip for you: eat fresh pinapples. Eat them as snack everyday.

  12. Dr. Emer
    June 3, 2005 at 10:52 am (19 years ago)

    Fan ka din pala ni Bo. I agree. He should have won. He looks like a young Willie Nelson to me. :)

  13. Toni
    June 3, 2005 at 2:37 pm (19 years ago)

    jojo : The traffic threat is my ultimate wake-up call. LOL!

    justice : Hehehe! Ang cute naman ng alarm clock mo!

    buttgirl : Hi there! Thanks for that transcript! I enjoyed reading it very much. Bo is such a charmer isn’t he? *sighs*

    Yupki : The boss threat sounds good. I’ll use that. :) Thanks!

    Kat: Thanks for the compliment on the “Mining” entry. And thanks for the tip on knowing the comfortable # of hrs. I think mine’s 6 hours. Let me test-drive that on Monday!

    Jo: Hi! Thanks for all that. I also try not to wake up too early on weekends. My husband however is an early bird! So he wakes me up along w/ him!

    Renee : That is a huge adjustment you’ll have to make! I hope you get through the transition smoothly!

    missyosigirl : Is it the weather you think? I’ve been so lazy to get up early the past few days too!

    denden : Hmm… I’ll try putting my alarm clock on (not in hehe) the hamper across our bed. Thanks for the tip!

    notsquare : Ack! That’s kinda hard for me. While I love what I do, knowing that it’s another work day makes me want to crawl back under the sheets. LOL!

    Dr. Emer : Thanks for the kind words! I’m a self-taught HTML/CSS-er. There are a lot of websites that are so helpful! I have a long way to go though. Pangarap ko nga maging expert sa paggawa ng template. Hehehe. And hey, if you do find that alarm clock that splashes cold water on you to wake you up, LET ME KNOW!!! I need one of those badly. And one the fresh pineapples, thanks for that tip!!!

  14. annabanana
    June 3, 2005 at 9:42 pm (19 years ago)

    heya toni,
    uhmm, im not a morning person, too. in fact i was and still is an advocate of flexi-time at work para mas productive ang tao di ba? anyway, try drinking a glas of water when you get up, nakakagising daw yun eh. ( haven’t trried that yet!) 😀 nice weekend to you!

  15. Cerridwen
    June 5, 2005 at 4:23 am (19 years ago)

    you have under the sea for an alarm and I have Kiss The Girl as my ring tone for “J” “P to wake me up it is the cathedral tone – sure thing to get me up hehehe (because I place the alarm at the end of the room so I will get up) I am bad in the morning too

  16. Toni
    June 5, 2005 at 12:36 pm (19 years ago)

    annabanana :
    Talaga? Sige I’ll try that glass of water bit! Thanks!

    G: Nice to know I’m not alone in this hehehe.


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