Bumper to Bumper


The view from our home. Traffic jams are always a pain in the neck. The worst part is watching the figures in the taxi meter going higher and higher, when in fact you’ve only moved a couple of inches on the street. I really wish something can be done to ease the city traffic, especially in the mornings so I won’t be late for work.

In my book, there’s one sure way to avoid traffic: Leave earlier than usual. It’s the most stress-free solution. But when I do find myself stuck in a jam, these are the things I do to distract myself from the knots of cars and blaring horns: Daydream. Talk to the cab driver (only if he starts the conversation). Look at the people inside other cars and try to figure out what they’re thinking. Look at the people walking on the streets and figure out what they’re thinking too. Gaze at the sky. In the evenings, I enjoy gazing at the stars and the moon. The night sky has a calming effect on me but that’s another story. Pray the rosary. Talk to God. In your head, make a To-Do list for work or for your groceries.

Whatever you do, just remember not to let the jam get on your nerves! It’s just traffic. It’s just a jam. Once you get to your desired destination, just be happy you made it safely. And when you can’t seem to get out of a jam, never underestimate what your feet can do — walk!

P.S. Here’s a zucchini recipe from ruth to kala: “Slice lengthwise, scoope out the middle to make some sort of boat, fill with chopped bacon, grated cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper. slide into the oven and bake til the cheese melts. quick and easy!” Mmmmm. Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing ruth!

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