On a Blissmakerie high!


Welcome to #blissmakerie2014

#Blissmakerie2014 was a private holiday gathering last weekend, thrown by the ever so loving and blissful Martine de Luna of Make It Blissful. It was a cozy afternoon of delicious eats, surprise blissful treats and connecting with old and new friends! This Thanksgiving/Advance Christmas get-together for Martine’s Make It Blissful community was truly wonderful. It had Martine’s branding all over it. You didn’t only see her personality on the beautifully styled interiors, you could also feel her branding — classy, generous and loving. Let me tell you about the highlights of that Blissmakerie afternoon!

The first thing you’ll notice is that there is pretty everywhere. What a highly Instagrammable and Pinnable event this afternoon was! The event was held at the 2nd floor of Scarsdale, S&R Shaw. I loved the raw, urban factory-feel of Scarsdale and how Martine’s rustic chic theme softened the look for the event. The place was styled by Constance Event Styling who did an impeccable job. This was my place at the event.

Where I was seated at #blissmakerie2014
My Blissmakerie afternoon journey was anchored here. What a lovely place to be!

So classy!
Rustic Chic.

My table setting.
My Blissful Place.

Instead of place cards, there were personalized burlap balls. True to Martine’s philosophy of meaningful living, this personalized ball not only was a place card but could also be an ornament. So cute! In each table setting we had a lovely napkin folded like a Christmas tree and a pair of delicious macarons from Fat Fingers. (Cut to cut: I brought the macarons home for Timmy. I said, “Look what I have for you!” He goes, “Hamburgers!!!”)

More About our Blissmakerie Afternoon

Raffle prizes!
Raffle prizes!

This corner held raffle prizes for Martine’s guests! Oh my gosh, how generous! There were prizes from Elin, Brown Belly resort and leisure wear, magnet boards from Sitting Pretty Crafts Studio, make-up from Happy Skin, notebooks from Sunday Paper, “Cudsly cash” from Cudsly and a lovely weekend getaway from Taal Vista Hotel.

Pretty in every corner
Pretty in every corner.

Blissful Buffet
A Blissful Buffet

The buffet table was so pretty that even when the food was ready, not a single soul wanted to start. The food was too pretty to touch! Haha. There was salad, pasta, sweets, even alcohol. I was like, “Yey! Bellinis! Mimosa!” — two drinks I’ve NEVER tried. I totally forgot to drink them though because I was too happy chatting with my table-mates and snacking on the poppers, which I’ll get to shortly. Meanwhile, here are pics of some of the yummy eats we had.

What are we having today? Oh, pretty stuff!

Lovely Spread
Another angle of the buffet table just because it’s pretty.

Yummy pasta at #blissmakerie2014
This cream-based pasta was light and yummy.

Cupcakes galore
A pretty event like this always needs pretty cupcakes.

Toppings for our Make Your Own Croughnuts
Toppings for our Make Your Own Croughnuts activity, which I’ll tell you about in a bit…

Now back to the poppers. For me, the highlight of my foodie trip were these poppers from Scarsdale. My favorite was the one at the center — diced green apples with honey truffle. It was addictingly good. I am definitely going back to Scarsdale just for these little poppers.

Best Poppers Ever
From L-R: Tartufo, Honey Truffle with Green Apple, Jalapeno Cheddar Poppers from Scarsdale.

One of the afternoon’s activities was creating our own croughnut. I can’t even capture how fun this activity was, and how much fun it was watching all the women in the room get creative and competitive. Haha!

My #blissmakerie table setting
Can you guess what croughnut I created?

Lovely ladies at #blissmakerie2014
Lovely ladies touching up their croughnut creations and capturing the moment.

The croughnut I created during that Blissmakerie afternoon was inspired by breakfast. The original concept was: Vanilla Glaze frosting, Cereal Milk filling, then for toppings: Caramelized Bananas, Slivered Almonds and Cereal. However, they didn’t have Cereal Milk filling nor Cereal that afternoon, so I had to make do with Tahitian Vanilla for filling, and replaced the Cereal topping with Bacon Bits. It still captures breakfast for me!

My Blissful Morning Croughnut
I call this my “Blissful Morning Croughnut.”

Then Martine reminded us that it was a contest! We were to upload a picture of our Blissmakerie croughnut creation on Instagram! It was so funny because the ladies (myself included) began creating vignettes. Out went the flowers from the vases and on to the place mats beside the croughnuts. Haha! Here was my entry:

Create your own croughnut - my entry!
Blissful Morning Croughnut with a Holiday Touch!

I didn’t win the contest, but I still got to keep my yummy creation. Heehee! I’ll go back to Scarsdale and complete my Blissful Mornings croughnut next time! During the raffle though, everyone was a winner! My prize was a lovely notebook from Sunday Paper. Gah! I was ecstatic. I collect notebooks so this was the perfect prize for me. Thank you, universe!

My Sunday Paper win!
A place to write thoughts of bliss.

What I loved most about this afternoon was connecting with kindred souls. I’ve been friends with Martine for a long time now, and I’m so happy that her journey of bliss is reaching more and more women. I’m honored to be part of her Make It Blissful community. She is such an inspiration!

Fluffy Blissmakers
With the most blissful of them all, Martine de Luna of Make It Blissful.

There was a lot of catching up with new and old friends! I was not able to take pictures of all the women at the event, but when the official pictures come out I’ll make sure to share them with you!

The Most Blissful of All - Martine! With Chrissy With Louise Blissmaker Maricel and I
Martine giving her opening remarks, Catching up with Chrissy of Changing Nappies in High Heels, Louise of Mommy Practicality and Maricel of A Sweet Cottage.

It was also wonderful to have finally met Frances Amper Sales of Topaz Mommy! Frances is one of my favorite bloggers. I’ve been a follower of her blog for a long time, so it was so cool to have met her in person and chat with her. She’s so lovely and funny!

With Frances and baby of Topaz Horizon
With Frances and her sweet baby Piero.

Being part of the Make It Blissful community is one of the most fulfilling parts of my blogging journey. I am so blessed to be friends with these lovely women who are all so generous, thoughtful and loving! These are some of the Blissmakers from Make It Blissful.

From L-R: Yours truly, Martine of Make It Blissful, Mariel of The Learning Basket, Louise of Mommy Practicality, Ginger of Mommy Ginger, Denise of Bebengisms, Vanessa of Shed.

The afternoon took a turn for the even-more-blissful when Martine shared that she had Bliss Boxes for us! Wow! Martine collaborated with some of her favorite brands and asked if she could share them with her blissful community during the Blissmakerie afternoon. This first-ever curated box that she co-created with these brands was just so lovingly put together and oozing with meaningful, thoughtful living. It was very Martine! Watch out for these in 2015!

My Bliss Box
My very first Bliss Box!!!

My Bliss Box
This reminded me of Oprah’s Favorite Things. They’re Martine’s Favorite Things!

It was so heartwarming opening this box full of bliss! The cute polka dot box was from Print Cafe. In this box were goodies from Yosi Samra Philippines, Heima, Zoya, A Vanilla Story, The Vanilla Company, Cutieverse, Casa La Armonia, Craftsmith, Nica Cosio and Philosophy.

Thank you, Martine, for being such an inspiration of thoughtful, meaningful living. I love you, and I’m so, so, so, so, so proud of you! I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished and the many more things you will accomplish as you share your bliss with women and encourage them to create and embrace their own bliss. You are a blissful blessing to women everywhere!

While we shared only a few hours of bliss, the Blissmakerie gathering was definitely one that will stay with me for a long, long time. The Bliss Box is a reminder for me to keep nurturing myself (because I tend to forget that a lot in favor of taking care of others… but that’s another blog entry yet to be written! 😉 ), and the afternoon was also a reminder for me to continue connecting with women who share the same values and interests, to go out of my comfort zone and embrace loving, genuine bliss. I’m looking forward to more of these blissful events! <3



We just got the OFFICIAL pictures from Blissmakerie 2014. Here are some of my favorites from the set. Prepare yourself for a blissful high. All pictures were taken by Shutter Panda Photography.

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014

Blissmakerie 2014


Blissmakerie sponsors

facebook.com/zoyaphilippines (zoya Nail Polish)
facebook.com/philosophyPH (Hope in a Jar & facial GC)
instagram.com/craftsmithliving (parcel tags & BW postcards)
instagram.com/thevanillaco (vanilla bean)
instagram.com/avanillastory (Vanilla bear & bodycare)
cutieverse.com (Hurraw lip balm)
instagram.com/fatfingersph (macarons)
https://www.facebook.com/YosiSamraPhilippines (shoes)
instagram.com/casalaarmonia (black towel)
carlosandveronica.net (for the Bloom watercolor postcards)
instagram.com/printcafe (for the Box itself)
heimastore.com (for the room spray)

Other bloggers who’ve written about Blissmakerie 2014

Martine de Luna: Women, United in Bliss: The Blissmakerie 2014

Patty Laurel: Blissmakerie 2014

Rica Peralejo: Words for 2014: Collaboration & Bliss

Mommy Ginger: I’m Proud to be a Blissmaker

Carlos & Veronica: A Blissful Afternoon

Pink My Ride: Bliss & Gratitude

12 Comments on On a Blissmakerie high!

  1. A Gracious Life
    December 9, 2014 at 10:46 am (10 years ago)

    What a pretty gathering, highlighted by pretty ladies! But the most beautiful thing of all is the friendship you share with each other. More blessings of friendship Toni!
    A Gracious Life´s last blog post ..Going Away

    • Toni
      December 9, 2014 at 7:34 pm (10 years ago)

      Yes, finding friendships like this is super precious. Martine has been instrumental in getting us all together. Her love has really made all these happen!

  2. ceemee
    December 9, 2014 at 4:56 pm (10 years ago)

    I love how Martine designed the event. It’s very beautiful! The details are so well-thought. And that box is such a wonderful gift for all of you.
    ceemee´s last blog post ..Starting Christmas Traditions, Cymplified!

    • Toni
      December 9, 2014 at 7:35 pm (10 years ago)

      It was so beautiful, ceemee! I felt like I was transported to a Rustic Chic Pinterest board. Hahaha! And yes, the Bliss Box was such a wonderful gesture of generosity. Martine is truly abundant with love.

  3. Martine de Luna | makeitblissful.com
    December 9, 2014 at 6:18 pm (10 years ago)

    Huhuhu! I’m so touched by this post, Toni! I’ve always loved your style of authentic, real lifestyle blogging, and such good writing! It’s such a blessing and honor to have you on the Bliss Team. I’m grateful for you, and wish you God’s choicest blessings this Christmas! xxx
    Martine de Luna | makeitblissful.com´s last blog post ..All The Little Details – A Pinay Mom in Amsterdam Finds A Story Worth Telling (Guest)

    • Toni
      December 9, 2014 at 7:36 pm (10 years ago)

      Thank you, Marts! <3 Fuzzy furry fuzzy hugs!!!

    • Toni
      December 18, 2014 at 5:34 pm (10 years ago)

      We hope to see you in the next get-together! :)

  4. Patricia
    December 17, 2014 at 5:47 pm (10 years ago)

    Sigh! What a lovely afternoon you had! I wish I could have been there, even just to take pictures of all the pretty arrangements!
    Patricia´s last blog post ..Christmas Rushing

    • Toni
      December 18, 2014 at 5:33 pm (10 years ago)

      That would have been awesome! :)

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