The Most Important Wifely Step


“All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…” Well, not really. I haven’t packed a single shirt yet nor have I prepared all materials for my meetings. I’m off to Malaysia for a business trip. Whaddayaknow? It was Batangas earlier this month, and now I’m off overseas. I’ll be back at the end of the month.

I leave you with this poem to ponder on. I’ve recently rediscovered it through a friend. I keep a copy of this poem in my wallet and read it every now and then. When fear takes over me, when my idleness strikes, when I start to question why I am where I am, when I need an extra push or when I want to read it just because, I take this poem out and it never fails to give me what I need at that moment. I share this with you.

I Will Not Die an Unlived Life
by Dawna Markova

I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear of falling
Or of catching fire
I choose to inhabit my days
To allow my living to open me
Making me less afraid
More accessible
To loosen my heart
So that it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise
I choose to risk my significance.
To live so that that which comes to me as seed
Goes to the next as blossom
And that which comes to me as blossom
Goes on as fruit.

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