New Moon Movie Thoughts


I’ve been looking forward to New Moon for four reasons: (1) It is my least favorite book in the Twilight saga and was interested to see it translated on film, (2) I wanted to see how Taylor Lautner would portray a more grown-up Jacob Black, (3) I’m a huge fan of the saga and (4) I was hoping it would be much better than the first film, Twilight.

So I finally got to catch the movie, and hey, it caught me by surprise. Read no further if you have not seen the movie and plan on watching it. Spoilers follow.

  • Surprise #1: It is NOT a bad movie, but it’s not a great movie either. It’s a good movie if you didn’t like the book. I disliked the book (but not as much as I disliked, wait, abhored Breaking Dawn) so much that I just wanted it to end right away. I didn’t feel that way about the movie. So, surprise!

  • Surprise #2: Taylor Lautner carried the film. I enjoyed his portrayal of a more grown-up yet still boyish Jacob. He did a great job buffing it up for the role, and I liked how he really radiated warmth throughout the film. He was the main highlight of the movie for me.

  • Surprise #3: The Wolf Pack. Woohoo! Aside from the obvious eye candy, I liked that their presence in the film was not too imposing but strong enough to establish that they are a force to be reckoned with. This makes me look forward even more to Eclipse (bring on Leah Clearwater!).
  • Surprise #4: The new Sam Uley. This was perfect casting. He really embodies the alpha male (alpha dog?) that is established in the book.
  • Surprise #5: October to December transitions. In the book, Bella’s depression is marked by pages simply marked “October,” “November,” “December.” In the movie, it’s executed via a camera circling Bella by the window, with the changing seasons as her view. I’m marking this as a surprise because I was really interested in how this would be shown in the movie. I liked it.
  • Surprise #6: Rachelle LeFevre as Victoria. I was expecting Bryce Dallas Howard with all the talk of Rachelle not being part of the saga anymore, etc. So the new Victoria comes in Eclipse. Oooohkay. I got confused there. If there’s one more movie with Victoria in it, I don’t get why they had to replace Rachelle then. I thought she did a good job here.
  • Surprise #7: Better production values. THANK GOODNESS. I liked the werewolves’ transformation scenes. I liked the way they chased and killed Laurent. Chasing Victoria through the woods was also good. I thought the Volturi vs. Edward fight scene was a tad too long though. Slow motion much?

  • Surprise #8: The Volturi. I thought it was great that the director established who they were at the beginning, instead of revealing them only in the end. Michael Sheen was Aro was creepy and awesome. I wanted more Volturi presence! But all that will be satisfied (I hope) in Eclipse.

  • Surprise #9: The lackluster Edward and Bella acting. I was hoping it would be better this time, but it’s still the same eternally-pained (constipated, as a friend puts it)  Edward and eternally-blah Bella. Edward says in one point of the movie, “You’re my only reason to stay alive… if that’s what I am.” That doesn’t say much about the way he acts though. I don’t remember Edward from the book being so pained all the time. As for Bella… stuttering, stunted wordings, batting her eyelashes a mile a minute… those quirks are what I see of Kristen Stewart in her other films. I’m beginning to wonder how much of Bella is Bella, and how much of Bella is Kristen.
  • Surprise #10: The lackluster Edward and Bella LOVE. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson look the part of the pretty couple, but I just didn’t feel the love. I had the same issue with Twilight, and I still can’t feel their desire for each other here in New Moon.
  • Surprise #11: I just realized how inconsiderate Edward is. If you’re breaking up with your girlfriend (but still secretly love her), why do it in the woods knowing that she has no sense of direction AND knowing that you’ll leave her there alone?

  • Surprise #12: Alice’s vision of a future vampire Bella running in the woods. Okay Twihards, I have a question: Was that part of the book? Bella awkwardly running through the meadow in a dress? That was very painful to watch. Really painful.
  • Surprise #13: Laurent was CREEPY. Too bad he was only in the movie for a short time!

  • Surprise #14: Bella’s new look. I like that she looks more feminine in this film. Love her hair. And that turquoise bracelet she wears all the time.
  • Surprise #15: Better pacing than Twilight. There were still some slow moments in this movie, but at least it wasn’t as dragging as the first film. Chalk it up to more action sequences I suppose.
  • Surprise #16: The Ending. Nice way to keep the audience hanging! I like how this was translated to film.

  • Surprise #17: That scene when Jacob takes Bella’s hand for the first time, and all other Jacob-Bella moments. Aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii!! Shivers! Kilig! Awkwardness! Awww!

Obviously, I root for Team Jacob. Now, would I watch the film again? Maybe. Maybe if it’s on HBO I’ll catch it again. Or maybe if it’s on DVD and I’m having a vacant afternoon, sure I’d pop the film in. The movie really wasn’t bad. I’m just so, so, so glad it was much better than the book.

What are your New Moon movie thoughts? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in a respectful, civilized way please. I realize how passionate Twihards can be about the series, so if there is a difference in opinion, please handle yourself responsibly. 😉

Image Credit: All photos from

13 Comments on New Moon Movie Thoughts

  1. Lissa
    December 1, 2009 at 2:05 pm (14 years ago)

    That “running” scene they did through the meadow kinda reminds me of their honeymoon maybe in the Isle of Esme? I could be wrong though. hahaha….

    It reminded me of Bella’s 1st hunting trip in Breaking Dawn. But she was wearing a silk nightdress if I remember correctly!

  2. Lissa
    December 1, 2009 at 2:28 pm (14 years ago)

    By the way, you mentioned their lackluster love in the film which confirms that they are really together in real life. hahaha… You know what they say: when their chemistry is sizzling onscreen, nothing is going on but if it’s the opposite—watch out!!

    I gave the movie a C rating.

    Well well well then!!! Hahaha! They must definitely be so into each other offscreen then.

  3. maan
    December 1, 2009 at 2:53 pm (14 years ago)

    i totally agree that taylor lautner SAVED the film. he did! not just with his body (justify the drooling!)…but, but with his very Jacob-y way of passionately loving bella that made me cry in the books. there :)
    .-= maan´s last blog of fancy. =-.

    Yes! He was soooooooooo Jacob. Woohooo! Team Jacob!!

  4. witsandnuts
    December 1, 2009 at 3:56 pm (14 years ago)

    Jacob saved the day, haha. Kristen’s acting is consistently blah, huh. =( Blogged about my thoughts already. I liked the ending!

    On to your blog!!

  5. dyanie
    December 1, 2009 at 6:40 pm (14 years ago)

    yeah surprise for the wolf pack. i heard this in the movie house, they were the “tropang abs” haha. wootwoot for the topless jacob scenes! waaah! 😛
    .-= dyanie´s last blog ..Happiness! Christmas is in the air! =-.

    “Tropang Abs” < ---- That cracked me up!

  6. Tina
    December 1, 2009 at 9:35 pm (14 years ago)

    TAYLOR LAUTNER ♥ Haha. I liked the movie only because of Taylor Lautner/Jacob. And that almost kissing scene — squeeee.

    Kristen’s acting is still blah — she practically had only one expression in the movie! BUT…then again I always thought Bella was kind of a flat character (no offense to the Twihards!), so Kristen kinda fit. (er) She’s really pretty in this movie though. :)

    But again, Taylor Lautner! ♥
    .-= Tina´s last blog ..Sweet, sweet victory =-.

    SQUEEE is right! LOL!

  7. Em Dy
    December 1, 2009 at 10:48 pm (14 years ago)

    I’ve only read the books once but definitely dislike Breaking Dawn most. I think I’ll read them again to see which one I like best. I don’t remember much per book probably because I read them one after the other.

    Team Jacob (and Taylor Lautner) here though I like Edward too in the book but not Rob Pattinson.
    .-= Em Dy´s last blog ..A Taste of L.A. =-.

    Eclipse is the best! In my opinion that is 😀

  8. Rachel Cotterill
    December 2, 2009 at 3:19 am (14 years ago)

    I haven’t read the books, and keep wondering whether to go and see the film… I’ve read so many blogs about it! Do I need to have seen the first one to make any sense out of it, though?!
    .-= Rachel Cotterill´s last blog ..Birds =-.

    Yes! You need to see Twilight first!

  9. pinayhekmi
    December 2, 2009 at 5:27 am (14 years ago)

    We agree on most points but not on New Moon being better paced than Twilight. I thought Twilight was shorter and sweeter. I liked Bella a lot more on Twilight because she had some great one-liners there that was better executed. Plus she at least tried to kick ass and wasn’t all helpless female all the time, the way she is in this movie.

    Toni, I cannot express adequately how much I despised Bella in this movie. Soooo helpless. Should Edward have foreseen that she would be stupid enough to try and run after him through the woods? I don’t know. I really can’t blame him for that. Bella is beyond reason. And if my daughter was catatonic for freaking months on end, you can bet on it there’d be a major intervention. I am sad that Meyer felt compelled to create a character like Bella, whose appeal to someone like Edward frankly, either in book or film, is puzzling.

    The chemistry between Bell-Ward was more believable in Twilight too. But Jacob/Bella together knocked whatever chemistry Edward and Bella had out of the park!

    In Friends, there was an ep where Joey said that you know there’s nothing going on between two characters on stage because all their chemistry is there on stage. You need to start worrying when there’s NO chemistry on stage, because it means they used it all up off-screen. Maybe Kristen and Rob really has hooked up off-screen! Hahah!

    As for Robert. Here’s a shoutout to him: You are being paid millions of dollars to portray a Greek-god type of vampire. You will be watched by hundreds of milions of people. COULDN’T YOU HAVE AT LEAST WORKED OUT???!!!! His thin frame was such a turn-off.

    TEAM JACOB! I will never understand why Bella has multi-“species” appeal (human, wolf, vampire), but even more puzzling, Why would you choose Edward over that hot, sweet Jacob?! I guess you really can’t help who you like.!

    Personally, I think Catherine Hardwicke was a better character director. Weitz may be better with actions scenes, but ultimately, this is about our love triangle, and they should have kept her. To illustrate this point, just rewatch the run through the woods of Bell-Ward. You think they joined the Von Trapp family in the Sound of Music with their outfits and running through the woods. Just think how much better this movie would have been if they’d listened Harwicke and waited it out, developing and honing the movie as they should.

    Anyway, here’s hoping Eclipse will be infinitely better.
    .-= pinayhekmi´s last blog ..Forget Those Reality TV shows, Forget House, and HIMYM AND WATCH CHUCK! =-.

    I am sad that Meyer felt compelled to create a character like Bella, whose appeal to someone like Edward frankly, either in book or film, is puzzling.
    ——–> I’m beginning to think that perhaps spineless Bella appeals to Edward because he’s from an era when women weren’t as strong and dominant as they are now. So while Edward is in this “new world,” he still carries his ye olde values of yore. Hmmm.

    The chemistry between Bell-Ward was more believable in Twilight too. But Jacob/Bella together knocked whatever chemistry Edward and Bella had out of the park!
    ——–> YES!!! I was thinking this way but thought “Maybe I’m just biased because I like Jacob better.”

    In Friends, there was an ep where Joey said that you know there’s nothing going on between two characters on stage because all their chemistry is there on stage…
    ——–> LOL!!! Go Joey! Then it’s gotta be true!!!

    As for Robert. Here’s a shoutout to him: You are being paid millions of dollars to portray a Greek-god type of vampire. You will be watched by hundreds of milions of people. COULDN’T YOU HAVE AT LEAST WORKED OUT???!!!! His thin frame was such a turn-off.
    ———> He looked like a junkie to me. Then again Bella IS his own brand of heroin.

    TEAM JACOB! I will never understand why Bella has multi-“species” appeal (human, wolf, vampire), but even more puzzling, Why would you choose Edward over that hot, sweet Jacob?! I guess you really can’t help who you like.!

    Personally, I think Catherine Hardwicke was a better character director. Weitz may be better with actions scenes, but ultimately, this is about our love triangle, and they should have kept her.
    ———> I can’t wait to see how David Slade is translating Eclipse! As for the disaster that is Breaking Dawn, we shall see.

  10. jeanny
    December 3, 2009 at 1:53 am (14 years ago)

    Haven’t watch the movie yet and I dont know if I can still catch this on the big screen baka sa hbo na lang hehehe… pero one thing is for sure, I so love Taylor Lautner, he so so hot!!!!

    Team Jacob rules!

    you have to see it on the big screen only for taylor lautner’s abs. LOL!

  11. Dexie
    December 3, 2009 at 8:28 am (14 years ago)

    I’m no fan of this “phenomena” at all but watched them out of curiousity. Twilight was much better. New Moon was just plain cheesy and depressing. And I’m with Tin about Bella being so helpless.

    I wanted more Dakota Fanning scenes. I’m not familiar with the books at all so I don’t know how much exposure her character has in any of the books. I’m seeing all these through the movie so I’m pretty ignorant about. I can only comment about the movie.

    Back to Bella, the whole time I was telling my husband, “OMG, please, she likes being helpless. She likes having 2 Men fight over her, Arrggh”.

    AND, I refused to believe that in 100 years the Edward has lived as vampire, it’s Bella that he can’t live without or would die for. Sorry, he’s still a Man, who has lived 100 years. I’m sure he’s met other Women with substance… LOL..

    And again, agree with Tin about Robert looking like a freaking junkie. And the director made him expose his tummy like that. Arrgh.. Now I’m on Team Jacob on the part. :)

    For someone like me who has never read the book, I sure am looking forward to Eclipse just to see how this whole damn thing progresses.
    .-= Dexie´s last blog ..10 Minutes Before December 2nd =-.

    I think Eclipse will be much better. Well, I HOPE!

  12. Nenette
    December 3, 2009 at 1:18 pm (14 years ago)

    Great review, Toni! Thanks for the insight. I haven’t seen it yet. Maybe I will soon. I don’t know yet if I’ll wait ’til it comes out on dvd.
    Anyway, I must confess that I’m most looking forward to seeing the Volturi scenes. I have a thing for vampire mythos. :)
    .-= Nenette´s last blog ..the new me: can bobbleheads still be sexy? =-.

    The Volturi are fascinating, even on paper. Their back stories are pretty interesting!

  13. aloi
    December 4, 2009 at 2:24 pm (14 years ago)

    Hey Toni! Am admittedly not a huge Twilight fan (Anne Rice is more my thing) but I understand that the book series can really reel you in. But seriously I was disappointed with just how Bella and Edward JUST LACK CHEMISTRY onscreen. For a life-and-death love, it doesn’t really seem that way …

    Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised that Jacob was actually Sharkboy! ;P
    .-= aloi´s last blog ..12 books in less than the time it takes to brush your teeth! =-.

    Yes! Sharkboy is all grown up! 😀


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