Marriage Quote on Your Journey Together


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This inspiring marriage quote touches my heart. Sometimes my husband and I can’t help but compare ourselves with other married couples. “How come they’re able to afford that?” “How do they stay patient with each other all these years?” “Where do they find the time to do stuff together?” So on and so forth. Looking at what makes other’s marriages work seems to magnify the weaknesses in ours.

It’s so easy to fall into that trap of comparing yourself to other couples. There are times when I honestly feel like I have to keep up. When I have that feeling I feel like I’m often failing. H and I have our own quirks, conflicts, similarities… sometimes I wonder, are we doing enough? Are we in trouble? What should we do?

It takes a lot of strength to step back. Sometimes I look at my marriage through the eyes of other people. I see a lot of negative stuff. I also see a lot of good stuff. But what makes me pause after a bit of introspection is, duh, why am I looking at it through other people’s eyes? Why not my own?

“Our journey isn’t perfect. But it’s ours… and I’ll stick with you till the end.”

It’s our journey together. So true! Truthfully, it’s not always perfect. But I find heaven in the little things that keep us going everyday.

His kiss on my lips before he leaves for his morning jog.
His texts through the day to check in on how I’m doing.
His hand reaching out to hold mine in the middle of the night.
His being hardworking to provide a good life for me and Timmy.
His thoughtfulness when he makes me a glass of lemonade or cooks a snack for me.

The negative humps in a marriage are so easy to spot, the beautiful things much harder. I’m learning to focus on the positive while working on the little humps so we can have a smoother journey together. It will be OUR journey. It may be imperfect, but it’s a journey I wouldn’t take with anyone else.


9 Comments on Marriage Quote on Your Journey Together

  1. cheekeegirl
    July 7, 2014 at 5:32 pm (10 years ago)

    Thanks for sharing this one Ms. Toni. This is a reminder for me too! I even printed out the Husband’s prayer you also posted and put it inside my bag so that I can pray to it anytime and everywhere I go. I gave copies for my officemates too!

    • Toni
      July 8, 2014 at 2:20 pm (10 years ago)

      That’s so wonderful! Happy to spread the love, Cheekeegirl. Thanks for doing it too!

  2. ceemee
    July 7, 2014 at 10:25 pm (10 years ago)

    Lovely post! It’s so easy to be negative, to compare and to see the flaws. Argh! But opening my heart to the little things that touch me, helps me focus on the beauty in our marriage, how only we can complement each other.

    • Toni
      July 8, 2014 at 2:21 pm (10 years ago)

      Exactly. <3

  3. Leah
    October 24, 2015 at 11:54 pm (9 years ago)

    I absolutely love this post. In an honest heart-to-heart I had to ask my husband to tell me what he needs from me because what a book says my husband needs or what so-and-so’s husband likes may not be what matters to him. This is our journey and having just reached 20 years of marriage we are truly committed to the end. It’s not always been easy, but oh so worth it.

    • Toni
      October 26, 2015 at 3:54 pm (9 years ago)

      Happy 20 years, Leah!!! Thank you for your wonderful sharing!

  4. rita bhandari
    November 9, 2017 at 2:54 pm (7 years ago)

    wow!!!absolutely agree with this article!!!!thanks for sharing !!!

  5. link link
    November 14, 2023 at 2:22 am (9 months ago)

    The excellent answer, gallantly :)


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