Anna’s Challenge: Color Up!


“I challenge you to get a box of crayons and a child’s coloring book and color! Post your finished work afterwards.” – Anna

Nothing is impossible. There weren’t any decent coloring books around so I got a pattern from this site. There are lots of interesting patterns to choose from! Then I got a box of regular crayons and colored away. After a couple of minutes, voila! Anna’s challenge completed!

This is a very timely challenge. H & I have been toying with the idea of converting the spare room in our apartment into an art studio. H is an artist by passion and in some convoluted way, so am I. I’ve gone back to sketching with my colored pencils but have been reading up on acrylics. H has been thinking of going with watercolor. We’re both very excited with this project! It’s the first activity we’re both totally into. We usually let each other be when we’re doing our own thing; me with my blogging and he with his boxing, or me with my reading and he with his badminton. Yeah, you can see who’s the more active one.

We’ve already exchanged concepts on some artwork. Oooh it’s really exciting! I can imagine spending a quiet afternoon in that sun-filled room, me in one corner of the room with my acrylics, he with his watercolor. Wish us luck with this project! :)

Read more on acrylics here.
If you don’t know what paint suits your personality, you can take this quiz.

13 Comments on Anna’s Challenge: Color Up!

  1. pasion
    August 9, 2006 at 4:26 am (18 years ago)

    i love the thought (thinking of it for me and h too)! i am so excited for you two! more updates please, when the room is done and you are using it!

  2. ganns
    August 9, 2006 at 9:27 am (18 years ago)

    You are truly amazing. I’m so inspired to replicate your ‘challenge me’ idea. What a great way to try out new things!

    Will post on that today, I promise. Thanks for continuing to be a great blogger inspiration.

  3. anj
    August 9, 2006 at 3:18 pm (18 years ago)

    off topic, toni. national sale coming up. have been waiting for this (thus avoiding spending on books the entire year). any suggestions for a book worth having? something inspiring and light and fiction. and preferably juvenile. wahaha! you know me. :) you can post in my blog na lang for your suggestions.

    thanks, gurl! as you know by now, i admire you for the wonder you have for life. rub some off on me, please! 😀

  4. karol
    August 9, 2006 at 4:35 pm (18 years ago)

    how fun! i’ve been meaning to buy a coloring book the past few months, too, but i can’t seem to find a decent one….i don’t like the usual cartoon character stuff…since you posted the site, i think i will print the pictures, too and color away para ma-relieve ang stress! thanks for the wonderful site, toni!

  5. JO
    August 10, 2006 at 5:20 am (18 years ago)

    hi toni,

    your project with your husband looks really interesting… hope you can post a picture of it when you’re done.

  6. on the Rock
    August 10, 2006 at 7:31 am (18 years ago)

    I enjoy both watercolor painting and arcylic painting. Love the picture you colored!

  7. Toni
    August 10, 2006 at 9:17 am (18 years ago)

    You guys know I respond to your comments via email, but this comment for Anj I’m also sharing with you guys. You may also have suggestions!

    Dear Anj, ….

    Chick Lit
    The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella: A high-powered lawyer makes a booboo at work and ends up as a housemaid by mistake.What the hell does she know about housekeeping? She can’t even mix her own coffee. I loved this book because it shows one how to enjoy the little things, take better care of oneself and to be open to surprises. I could also relate because I didn’t know much about being domestic till after I got married. A light read and utterly enjoyable.

    Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella. Junk for the brain ito! It’s an amusing book. There’s this typical girl (kinda mousy, usually ignored) who somehow catches the attention of the new CEO, parang ganun. It’s about how she deals with nosy officemates, a confusing relationship with her boss and cool friendships. Kung may popcorn movie, may popcorn read. Ito yun.

    Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. An overweight woman proves that weight is not a factor when it comes to romance, happiness and TALENT. I super loved this book, Anj.

    In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner. This was made into a movie na with Cameron Diaz and Toni Colette. I liked the book better though and was in TEARS in the end. It’s about the relationship of these sisters, who have nothing in common but size 8 1/2 feet. Ang galing ng storytelling ni Jennifer Weiner.

    Good Night Nobody by Jennifer Weiner. Weiner tries a little suspense naman. Medyo Desperate Housewives na hindi. I liked this because she was able to maintain a very light chick-lit feel while not losing on the mystery angle naman.

    Obvious ba’ng fan ako ni Jennifer Weiner?!?!?! Yun Shopaholic series naman ni Kinsella di ko pa nababasa. Di kasi nag-a-appeal sa akin ang shopping eh, but others say it’s an amusing series.

    Forever by Judy Blume. CLASSIC. I hope you’ve read this na. If you have, ganda ‘no? It’s about a teenager’s first experiences with sex — the preludes, the act, the effects of all the tension. Maganda, maganda, maganda. Light read kasi Judy Blume, pero insightful pa rin.

    Ano pa ba…

    Syempre The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. Maganda yan at may movie na nga in a few weeks. Do no read Weisberger’s Everyone Worth Knowing. Blech. Waste of time and money. I hated myself for reading it, haha!

    If Andy Warhol Had A Girlfriend by Allison something something. This girl works at an art gallery and she’s given an assignment by her boss. feeling niya hindi niya kaya pero she learns a lot about herself as she travels and builds her confidence! Maganda, maganda.

    Not Chick Lit (hehehe that’s how I classify my books now…. chick lit or not chick lit)

    The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey something something. AWESOME book. This guy is afflicted with CDO (chromo-displacement order? chrono? ay ewan.). Basta it’s a sickness that makes him time-travel involuntarily. This is a love story. So it follows how this guy deals with his relationship with his wife. Hindi ito light reading. Pero I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have to reread this nga eh. Sobrang excited ko sa story ang bilis ko magbasa hindi ko narelish.

    Prep by Curtis something something. Okay medyo mixed reviews ito. I liked it though because I was able to relate with Lee, the lead. She’s a mid-Westerner (ata) who gains a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school. The book follows her from freshman year to high school graduation. She’s a bit awkward and somewhat anal, so you can already gauge how she deals with classmates and crushes. The book isn’t WOWWWWW ASTIGGGG. Just take it as it is — brute reality.

    I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom something something. Plot is a bit similar to Prep. Pero college naman ito. It follows Charlotte Simmons from freshman college year to sometime in college. She’s a shy country/mountain girl who makes it to a big university. It’s how she deals with the new culture and how she handles her many transformations. Makapal ang libro, hindi rin light reading. Pero maganda ang istorya.

    If I think of anything else I’ll let you know. Right now I’m reading three books, salit salit:

    The Amatuer Marriage by Anne Tyler
    Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen — to up my classics quotient. Although abridged ang binabasa ko hahahahaa
    Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

    Nabobore ako sa isang libro lang. Siguro rin kasi puro serious masyado itong 3 libro. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a good chick lit book!

    Ok… enjoy!!!! :) Happy reading!


  8. sarah
    August 10, 2006 at 11:00 am (18 years ago)

    if you can find Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold….i read that like 3 times and each time it never ceases to move me to tears…a very heartwarming book…
    and for a feel-good book, id suggest Wedding Diaries by Linda Francis Lee…very cute book… ^__^

  9. anj
    August 10, 2006 at 1:45 pm (18 years ago)

    thanks, thanks, thanks, toni!

    i printed out your reply so i will bringing the list when i go to national bookstore. hopefully, i get to buy two or three of the books next sweldo, then another two or three the coming one.

    some of the books you recommended i have been looking at but didn’t get because i’m not much into chick lit. (except bridget jones). but i trust your taste in books, and i want relaxing reads so chick lit is it. might get in her shoes. i loved the movie. and would probably cry reading it. wahaha! lam mo naman ako. 😀

    salamat uli. :)

  10. JMom
    August 10, 2006 at 9:54 pm (18 years ago)

    What a great idea to have your own studio at home! Great way to bond too 😉

  11. jane
    August 11, 2006 at 6:38 am (18 years ago)

    hi Tones, during my spare time I paint too. still life – objects only and abstract, hubby bought me pastels, and a drawing book :)

  12. jhie
    August 11, 2006 at 2:21 pm (18 years ago)

    oh what funny anna’s challege u better get more idea how to color or paint i think u become a prof.someday i pray for u

  13. sprittibee
    August 12, 2006 at 10:03 pm (18 years ago)

    Coloring looks great and your idea for the art studio sounds wonderful! Have fun! I’m constantly drawing and coloring with the kids since we homeschool. Art is my passion, too. :)


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