A seatbelt saved my life


Many years ago, I got into a car accident. I kept mum about it because I didn’t want to create havoc, especially at home. I wasn’t badly hurt after all, but I was traumatized. More than that, I was embarrassed. My friend, who had a little too much to drink, got behind the wheel. I, tipsy as well, got into the passenger’s seat. “Don’t Drink and Drive” warnings escaped us. I suppose we were having one of those “I’m young and invincible” moments. “Stupid” should’ve been a third adjective.

Kept in place, kept alive
I was in a deep sleep on the way home. Then my eyes flew open when I felt my body jolt violently forward. I was thrown a few inches off my seat, the windshield centimeters away from my face. I gasped for breath as my chest felt momentarily trapped. It happened in less than three seconds, but appeared like it was in slow motion. I still remember every detail clearly.

My friend’s car smashed right into a bus’s rear end. There were no pedestrians. I looked to my left and saw my friend looking lost, but not in pain, his air bag fully blown up.

There was a burning sensation on my chest. I pulled down my shirt’s neckline and saw a huge diagonal red mark right across my upper chest. The seatbelt. It was what trapped my chest for a split-second, what kept me from flying into the windshield. The seatbelt. It only took me seconds to be thrown forward, but the weight it put on me was strong enough to keep me from hitting my head against the windshield. The deep red mark hurt and burned, but I was relieved, so thankful that nothing worse happened.

With the car smashed, ourselves distraught, my friend placed a call to his folks. His parents (both doctors) checked on us and saw that we were not physically harmed. Off they went, smashed car and all. I went home, climbed into bed, shaken, thankful, shocked and ashamed.

Smart enough to strap in
There are two lessons here: Drinking and driving is dangerous. That experience partly ended my stupid “young and invincible” days. The second lesson is to always wear your seatbelt. My friends and some relatives get irritated when I keep reminding them to strap in. I know it saves lives. I know it. It’s not just another safety precaution that should be taken lightly. It does save lives. It saved mine. Getting into a drunk driver’s car was the most stupid thing I’ve ever done. Thankfully though, I was still smart enough to wear my seatbelt.

Why am I sharing this? I was looking through YouTube and came across this video. It made me shiver and remember that traumatic evening. Not a lot of my friends know about that experience, but here I go, writing about it now. Perhaps my words can help a reader or two. If my words don’t work, perhaps this ad will.

There is always a reason to wear a seatbelt
Ironically, it’s easier to say “no” to riding in a tipsy friend’s car than it is to say “no” to wearing your seatbelt. There is always a reason to strap in: It will save your life. Please don’t use excuses like:
“I’m just going to the store that’s a few blocks away.”
“I’m a great driver, don’t worry.” But what about other drivers?
“I’ll see it coming.”
“My car has airbags.”
“They’re uncomfortable.” There’s a proper way to wear a seatbelt. Make sure the straps fit you snugly on your shoulders and your hips. Perhaps you can slacken it just the slightest. Or get seatbelt extenders if they fall short of strapping you in. You just have to get used to it.

So please. Do wear your seatbelt. It saved my life. It could save yours too.

25 Comments on A seatbelt saved my life

  1. Toni
    October 1, 2008 at 6:10 pm (16 years ago)

    It was stupid of me to get into a drunk driver’s car, I know. I’ve learned from that. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life but that was the most stupid. I guess I was thinking “Oh, this won’t happen to me.” But it did. And thank God my brain was still working enough for me to strap myself in.

    This happened ten years ago. I never wrote about it, didn’t tell that many people about it. Why? I felt so stupid and ashamed. I still feel ashamed of that stupidity. Something compelled me to write about this experience though. I don’t know what it is but I felt I had to. I know of so many who hate wearing seatbelts; I do hope they’re reading this now. I hope it doesn’t take an accident for some people to realize how important wearing a seatbelt really is.

  2. Sinta
    October 1, 2008 at 7:19 pm (16 years ago)

    I personally refuse to drive a car unless every passenger has their seatbelt on.

    Sintas last blog post..September Snail Mail

    That is so good to hear.

  3. Miss B
    October 1, 2008 at 8:12 pm (16 years ago)

    Someone above must be watching over you too Toni and that seatbelt definitely helped!

    Here in Australia it’s compulsory to wear a seatbelt for safety, otherwise there’s a huge fine for it and demerit points. When you loose all your points then you lose your license too.

    Drink Driving adverts are regular here on tv and it seems quiet effective.
    I to am paranoid about putting seatbelts on while in the car.
    Better be safe than sorry di ba?

    This might be a bit disturbing to watch but it’s an example of some of the adverts here in Australia about wearing a seatbelt – warning ha.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYCwaiaC1Ag

    I think it’s quite provocatively scary and that’s why it’s effective here.

    –Miss B :)

    Yes, super thankful to God and my guardian angel. My friends hate me when I get paranoid. Sigh. They get exasperated with me. I’ll check out the ad soon. Thank you for sharing!

  4. kaiskeebeaet
    October 2, 2008 at 12:45 am (16 years ago)

    proud of you for having that habit of seat-belting. I’m so used to wearing it sometimes when i sit down to watch a movie (in the theaters), i reach up by my shoulders looking for a seat belt haha

    Haha funny Kai. 😀 blockquote>

  5. J.
    October 2, 2008 at 4:06 am (16 years ago)

    Thanks for sharing, Toni. I’m ashamed to admit that SEVERAL TIMES, I’ve gotten into a car drunk myself, with a tipsy driver. And everytime, of course, a small voice tells me not to, but like you say, youth, you know? I always strap myself in though. Or did I? See, I don’t even remember, and that’s a SCARY thing. That proves your point. There’s a lot more to live for now that I’m older and have had a richer life. Your post reminded me to be even more vigilant–and not just about my own habits, but others’ as well. Thank God for seat belts, guardian angels and good sense!

    Thank you J. *hugs* Thanks for sharing your experience too. While we have our regrets, what’s important is that we learn from them and help others avoid making the same mistake. And thank goodness for guardian angels, yes.

  6. kat
    October 2, 2008 at 4:42 am (16 years ago)

    thanks for sharing your experience toni. it really is an eye-opener when it happens to *you* di ba? there are strict laws here to wear seatbelts so i’ve always worn one; and strict car seat laws. i’m super-obsessed with making sure the car seat belts are tight and snug for the kiddos.

    kats last blog post..8 things about me

    I’ve seen some of my friends/relatives devise ways to show they’re wearing their seatbelts when cops are around the corner. It saddens me when they don’t listen, but my words can only go so far. I do hope that it doesn’t take something lifethreatening like this for one to buckle up.

  7. sheng
    October 2, 2008 at 8:29 am (16 years ago)

    Oh yes, very soon, God-willing, hubby and I will be checking out cars and I will make it has a strong seatbelt to it. Thanks for sharing this Toni!

    shengs last blog post..National Tourism Week in the City

    Thank you for becoming more conscious too! Do also check if the backseats have seatbelts as well.

  8. cbs
    October 2, 2008 at 10:45 am (16 years ago)

    this is so courageous of you not only to tell drivers what not to do (drive when drunk), but also to come out in the open to tell your own “shameful” story of riding with a drunk driver if only for the good of your own readers. no “don’t drink and drive” ad will drive home the message stronger than this little, humble, post. the public owes you one, toni.

    cbss last blog post..supal palin

    Thanks C. It was so hard to write, yes, but I felt I needed to bring that story out in the open. I hope it does help inspire others to buckle up.

  9. Cat
    October 2, 2008 at 3:11 pm (16 years ago)

    I also wear seatbelts when I ride or drive a car. It has become a habit when my uncle died in a car accident in Batangas in 1990. Ironically, he also had that habit of strapping in except for that one trip with his friends because the place they were going to (from one point in Batangas to another) was so near.

    In relation to seatbelts, babies should be placed in car seats. Check out the winner of American Inventor Season 1 where a Polish inventor designed a car seat patterned after a mother’s womb. Basically, the car seat is placed inside a half bubble and in case of a car crash, no matter how many turns or tumble the car takes, the car seat ends right side up so the baby isn’t stuck upside down. The inventor designed it after he lost his infant child and wife to a horrible car accident.

    That invention is interesting. I’ll try to check it out. I hope it was produced so others can benefit from it straightaway.

  10. odette
    October 2, 2008 at 5:16 pm (16 years ago)

    ireland has the most dangerous roads in the world, with road accidents higher than anywhere else. most fatalities are due to unstrapped seatbelts. the ads in the tv are so harrowing, in the government’s increased efforts to raise awareness especially to the young drivers.

    i hope lots of people will learn from this post. whether i am in the front or back seat, i make sure i’m strapped on. better safe than sorry.

    odettes last blog post..my desk

    Thanks for that interesting but scary trivia about Ireland. I learned something new! Be safe, O and KJ.

  11. Rico
    October 3, 2008 at 9:02 am (16 years ago)

    One of the first driving lessons I was taught was using the seatbelt. Now, I can never drive without fastening the seatbelt, even if it’s just moving the car a few meters. Safety first. It’s a lot better than being sorry later on.

    Good for you!

  12. notsquare
    October 3, 2008 at 1:38 pm (16 years ago)

    to be honest, i’ve driven drunk once. and i SWEAR, I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!

    don’t be ashamed… be happy that youre still alive! coz i’m happy youre still alive and i have a quirky friend :)

    notsquares last blog post..Author Unknown

    Haha quirky pala ha! 😛 Thanks B.

  13. Junnie
    October 3, 2008 at 2:51 pm (16 years ago)

    you were saved because you need to tell us a lot of wifely stories. and your story is also a story of a lot of teenagers who wish they did what you did.

    i was saved by a seatbelt too – many times and the mark on my chest is the mark that I made the best decision to strap up….ang hirap tumayo from bed di ba?

    thank you for reminding a lot of people that kahit sa traffic pwede ka pa ring maaksidente…God bless you for sharing

    Thanks Junnie. Your words mean a lot to me.

  14. lady cess
    October 3, 2008 at 5:05 pm (16 years ago)

    whoa, that was scary! im glad you were alright.and thanks for the reminder, i tend to take the seatbelt for granted myself. i always tell myself im a careful driver.. but you’re right, it’s a bad reason.

    lady cesss last blog post..A Stockpile of Meat

    There’s always a reason to wear a seatbelt, and no excuse for not wearing one!

  15. Meeya
    October 4, 2008 at 1:27 am (16 years ago)

    i think you were saved to become an advocate. by sharing your story, the importance of wearing seatbelts has become more personal for some of us who take it for granted. and also, as junnie said, to share your wifely stories with us. :)

    i will have to add, too, the importance of having a car seat for kids. before coming here to the US, i wasn’t particularly concerned about belting kids down to those seats (especially when they cry and scream to get out, nakakaawa). but now, i have a constant fear na Ninna might fly through the windshield if i don’t buckle her up, even if we’re just driving a couple of blocks away. now, kahit car seats are not mandatory sa pinas, i still bring our trusty car seat/booster with us. and yes, you can be a good and sober driver, pero you will never know about the ones around you.

    thanks for sharing your experience, toni. i hope this was cathartic for you and you can now sleep better at night knowing that, with this story in your own little way, you may save lives. :)

    Thank you Meeya. Your words comfort me!

  16. Lissa
    October 4, 2008 at 4:37 am (16 years ago)

    I attest to this entry because a seatbelt saved my life (and the hubby’s too). In 2000 we had a front collision with an inexperienced driver. He ran the red and we were already going straight. I had major bruises in my abdominal area and I was thankful that my reproductive organs were okay. It was very scary like you said and I honestly don’t know what would’ve happened if we weren’t strapped in. I can’t stress it enough about the importance of seatbelts. They’re not an option, they should be used.

    I also hate it when I tell my parents to buckle up and they grumble about it.

    *hugs* I’m so glad you and your hubby are okay.

  17. Cookie
    October 4, 2008 at 8:49 pm (16 years ago)

    That must have been really scary. I think that the seatbelt law should be strictly enforced. Manila isn’t exactly a driver’s heaven..more like hell, actually. It should be a must to buckle up..always.

    Cookies last blog post..Kakasa Ka Ba Sa Kinder?

    It was scary and an awakening for me.

  18. Gigi
    October 13, 2008 at 9:28 am (16 years ago)

    My husnband always make it a point to wear a seatbelt. Sure we live in the Philippines where it is not that mandatory. But we placed it upon ourselves to wear it everytime we’re riding in a car.

    Good for you for wearing that seatbelt! And I sure am glad that you shared this story with us.

    Gigis last blog post..Pink Kitchen: Good food for a Good cause.

    Good that you always wear it!

  19. nina
    October 31, 2008 at 12:51 am (16 years ago)

    I always wear seat belt no matter where I am seated. As drivers it should be our responsibility to make sure our passengers are wearing seatbelt :)

    ninas last blog post..LP – Kadiliman

    Yey! We need more drivers like you.

  20. Driving Lessons Bournemouth
    March 16, 2010 at 1:13 am (14 years ago)

    Great post. I am a driving instructor and, although by law, anyone 14 or over can decide whether they wear a seatbelt, if I have passangers I would always ask them to put their seatbelt on. Even at 35mph you can be killed when not wearing one, because you experience 3 ‘mini’ crashes if you have a crash. Your internal organs carry on travelling until they hit the inside of your body, and this can rip them out, (what happened to Princess Diana). Most people don’t wear seatbelts when they are near their house and in their ‘comfort zone’.
    .-= Driving Lessons Bournemouth´s last blog ..Observer on test =-.

  21. Rachel
    May 11, 2010 at 7:33 pm (14 years ago)

    I can’t believe that people would drive without wearing a seat belt! They must be mad!
    .-= Rachel´s last blog ..How to Eco Drive =-.

  22. Bob
    January 24, 2011 at 1:31 am (13 years ago)

    I remember having countless problems with my 5 yr old son just to get him to wear his seat belt.
    If any parents out there are having similar issues like we did with their children i would like
    to suggest something that we used to help get our son to wear his seat belt. I’ve included the link
    below which will take you directly to a children’s song we found online. Might be worth giving
    it a try if all else fails.
    It worked for us.
    Kind regards


  23. lisa
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