July 2006 archive

Linkety Dinkety Doo

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I will be busier than usual for the rest of the week so here are 10 links for you lovely ones to explore. Pick out the icon that you like the most and click on it to get to the link. The links are a mix of videos, e-zines, foodie stuff and well, I’ll leave […] Read more…

What do babies dream of?

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(My niece Isabella, taken when she was not more than a year old.) The sight of a sleeping baby calms me, relaxes me. And when they smile in their sleep, oooooh, they look like sweet angels! I wonder what goes on in their baby dreams. Read more…

Getting to Know Each Other

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First, 1. Write something random about me. 2. Challenge me to try something. 3. Pick a color that you associate with me. 4. Write something you like about me. 5. Share your first/clearest memory of me. 6. Tell me what animal I remind you of. And then, 1. I’ll respond with something random about you. […] Read more…

My Fruit Cocktail Recipe

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How could I have forgotten to include my fruit cocktail recipe contribution? Mine is as simple as ABC. A) Drain the fruit cocktail but leave some of the syrup in the can. B) Divide the fruit cocktail into two bowls and mix in all-purpose cream into each bowl. C) Chill. Or Freeze. Ta-da! Read more…

Memes All Around

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You are Milk Chocolate A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment… even those from long ago. What Kind of Chocolate Are You? What is […] Read more…

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